FORTS: Strategies and how to implement them - page 21

Friendship is friendship, but the truth is more valuable. Admit the obvious, it will get easier. If you want to communicate on extraneous topics, do it elsewhere.

That's right, the truth is more expensive. And you have to take the blinders off your eyes in the form of inhibitions. You need to understand a simple truth: the world does not revolve around you. And trading is not limited to the concepts of MT, it is much wider and richer.

You want to discuss how to place an order as a result of an MA crossing or why things do not work for me here. No problem, this is your interest. For other traders they may be very different. For example, they may spend their time not on catching yet another bug, but on constructing a trading system that will bring them stable profit. And I can assure you many traders absolutely don't care what TP it works on or what language it is written in. The main thing that it would bring a steady profit...


Any branch can make a difference. Any branch. For this to happen:

1. discussion only within the framework of the subpage.

2. discussion only within the technical and software means available.

3. Prohibition of promotion of competing hardware and software tools.

4. Prohibition of violence, pornography, racial discrimination and sexual harassment.

That's all, nothing more is needed. What difference does it make who respects or despises whom as long as the discussion is framed by these 4 points?

I disagree on all points except 4.

The topic may be broader than originally stated. The topic may not fit within the confines of MT products. Without mutual respect, it's difficult to discuss anything other than personal qualities - no one owes anything here.

So it turns out that instead of being constructive, the first one pokes the other one that he is not on the topic, that he should not write this and use that, and takes the "I can, but you can't" kind of attitude.


That's right, the truth is more expensive. And you have to take the blinders off your eyes in the form of inhibitions. You need to understand a simple truth: the world does not revolve around you. And trading is not limited to MT concepts, it is much wider and richer.

It is sometimes too harsh to be perceived. You don't have to convince, just share, if the soul is in the mood. You yourself have repeatedly clung to the provocations of your opponents, why?


Okay. Let's move on. Let's get more constructive. I suggest you describe a rudimentary strategy that uses Level-2. I'll try to code it and post the statemnt. So that everyone who's interested can finally understand where this unknown fish is. But I have one condition: the strategy must be elementary and should be written in one-two - because I understand that with 99% probability I'll waste my time, and I'm sorry for it.

With the timing of too, unfortunately, can not promise anything. I'm very busy at the moment.


Disagree on all points except 4.

The topic may be broader than originally stated. The topic may not fit within the scope of MT products. Without mutual respect, it is difficult to discuss anything other than personal qualities - no one owes anything here.

So it turns out that instead of being constructive, the first one pokes the other one that he is not on the subject, that he should not write this and use that, and takes the "I can and you can't" kind of attitude.


Okay. Let's move on. Let's get more constructive. I suggest you describe a rudimentary strategy that uses Level-2. I'll try to code it and post the stats. So that everyone who's interested can finally understand where this unknown fish is. But I have one condition: the strategy must be elementary and written in one-two - because I understand that with 99% probability I'll waste my time, and I pity him.

With the timing of too, unfortunately, can not promise anything. I'm very busy at the moment.

It'll get lost if it's all piled up. I'd rather have it in a separate thread.

That's right, the truth is more expensive. And you have to take the blinders off your eyes in the form of inhibitions. You need to understand a simple truth: the world does not revolve around you. And trading is not limited to the concepts of MT, it is much wider and richer.

You want to discuss how to place an order as a result of an MA crossing or why things do not work for me here. No problem, this is your interest. For other traders they may be very different. For example, they may spend their time not on catching yet another bug, but on constructing a trading system that will bring them stable profit. And I can assure you many traders absolutely don't care what TP it works on or what language it is written in. The main thing that it should bring a steady profit ...

Here we go again... MT guano, MQL-programmers are dummies who do not see anything beyond their MAs, you can make a profit, but not in MT! ....


I do not agree on all points except 4.

The subject may turn out to be broader than it was originally stated. The topic may not fit within MT products. Without mutual respect, it's difficult to discuss anything other than personal qualities - no one owes anything here.

So it turns out that instead of constructive, each first pokes the other that he is not on the subject that should not write this and use that, and takes the pontoon type "I can, and you do not.

If the topic was beyond the scope of MQ products, it must move to other frameworks where it will be free.

And constructive here, on this particular forum, what is the point? - Is it really to condemn how to build MQ in another terminal?

Well, imagine, you have a car, some A4, this is an example, makes no difference what kind. You come to a forum dedicated to A4. You want to read and talk about "how to clean a clogged ashtray", "why the panel computer screen shows the view from the rear camera and not the front", "why the alarm says bing-bing in response and not zing-zing", etc. It doesn't matter, A4 is good or bad, you drive it at the moment and you're interested in it. When it stops being interesting you change to another car. So it doesn't matter what cars there are in the world, you are interested only in A4. But no, people come with their Hyundai, Mercedes, and pardon God iAuto? Is it wider than the A4? - Well, there are places where they discuss all cars, without reference to the manufacturer.

And another question for you personally... You have a website... Can I use it to promote my products and services? Although no, why am I asking... I have to come to you and do what I like, why am I asking...

It is sometimes too harsh to be perceived. No need to convince, just share, if your soul is inclined. You yourself have repeatedly clung to the provocations of opponents, why?

Thank you Andrew. I know this peculiarity of mine. I don't know how to pass quietly like you. My father taught me to always hit back. You get caught, you get a backlash...

I've only found one way out of this situation. There's an office and a man I pay money to. He is responsible for a lot of things, including not going anywhere while trading, on forums, on Skype, etc..

Now I am sitting at home until the 20th. Here is the result (((.

It's been asked what MT has given me and why I'm grateful to them. Including this (first forum ban). So much free time, and before 24 hours a day was not enough. And now I have, and the results are not long in coming :-)

That's how it is.

I`m trading here all the same, although I`m doing a little bit of chattering. My lot size is not a real one. But it does not matter.

The main thing from level to level, with paltry stops :-)


Okay. Let's move on. Let's get more constructive. I suggest you describe a rudimentary strategy that uses Level-2. I'll try to code it and post the statemnt. So that everyone who's interested can finally understand where this unknown fish is. But I have one condition: the strategy must be elementary and written in one-two - because I understand that with 99% probability I'll waste my time, and I pity him.

With the timing of too, unfortunately, can not promise anything. I'm very busy at the moment.

Yes there was a front running called. I posted screenshots, even recorded a video (which would explain its essence). What is it can not find, maybe also deleted. On youtube video left, they (moderators) can not get there. take a look.

I started my robot programming in a cup with this strategy.


Yes, there was a front running called. I posted screenshots, even recorded a video. Something I can not find, maybe also deleted. I have it on youtube, they (moderators) can not get there. take a look.

I started my robot programming in a cup with this strategy.

As far as I understand you mentioned it's not really suitable for small speculators. And we need one that does. It would be enough to code it and get a positive result in the simulation.