Make your first million - page 5


I see. There was a lot of noise and ranting. The original starter was jumping out of his trousers. But it was an embarrassment. "Millionaire in 100 days" was successfully deflated in five.

Who says he leaked? do not be alarmed - I did it a hundred times. we communicated with him remotely. address I did not give him :-D

But the fact is - someone jinxed me! Psychic show!!! :-D

By the way, there's another millionaire out there - a $9 millionaire.
Seriously! Once again, dreams and hopes have been dashed.
Everything's gonna happen! - © Pasha Volya

Who says that he leaked? Don't be alarmed - I've done it a hundred times. I communicated with him remotely. I didn't give him the address :-D

But the fact is someone jinxed me! Psychic show!!! :-D

By the way, there's another millionaire here - a $9 millionaire.
Hope has blossomed, who is he?
Hope blossomed, who is he?
Blossomed like a rose on a pile of dung? :-D

He's not aiming to be a millionaire. He's aiming for the sensei of the "right" entrance :-D Honourable globtroter
You blooming like a rose on a pile of manure? :-D

She doesn't want to be a millionaire. She's aiming for the sensei of the "right" entrance.

Is he? I thought it was someone new.

No, I must have confused it with another G.

A million is good. Go ahead, we'll wait. 97 days is not that long for forex.
Gotta be careful on day 9 and 40.
You have to be careful on days 9 and 40.
And on 41-45
Mighty you said you have reports on what you did at 19000%, can I see them?

So where is the report, mmmoguschiy?

At least a link to monitoring !

Looks like your million's gone. You were gone before you even opened an account.


Mmmmoguschiy gaiawata is famous everywhere ,

He's an unbeatable archer.

A light bow he raises,

Ten arrows to the sky,

And the last one flies

From the bowstring of the bowstring of the bowstring of the bowstring,

Before the first of the ten arrows

The first of the ten.

All who have seen Gaiavata

Said it was undeniable

That he had attained perfection.


But some cunning skeptic

Nevertheless remarked.

That it's not just agility in shooting,

But also the marksmanship.

And he added that it would be better

If the glorious mmmoguschiy gaiavata

Had hit the target at least once.

If only the sample were smaller,

If it be of lesser volume.