Attention, contest! - page 9

Hm... Built a variant withVladon buttons- got the bug you were talking about... I'll redo it :)

Хм... Собирал вариант с кнопками Vladon - понял о каком баге говорили... Буду переделывать :)

Do you also have a transparency bug?
Do you also have a transparency bug?

No. The buttons you cut are fine - the transparency is just fine. I have a bug with clicking. Take any of the experts I posted and click in the puzzle picture (the transparent part). The button will click, it shouldn't.

Extremely advise everyone to use theVladon pictures posted on the last page. With them the bugs are detected much faster :) Four different images for four buttons.TheXpert has1 picture for "many buttons".

No time now - I'll try to fix it by the end of the week...

OK :-)

Fixed all the bugs I found... It's not so bad there :)

Please check for bugs...

+ another important point. Critical for the work of the buttons separately from the dialog box? And in the scum of the indicator?


Guys, don't be lazy to post a 30-second video with a demo.



Guys, don't be lazy to post a 30-second video with a demo.




If you can see the task manager next time, that would be great.)


Decided to check how the button is created without dialogue... Sketched out an expert - everything seems to work.

The main thing - realized a long-time dream - perfect GUI for user :)))

What happens when you click the button - just look at it :))) The main thing is to open a bigger chart before start ...

PS: All that remains is to add trading functionality - and the "grail" is ready.

3dButtons.ex5  184 kb