Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators - page 25


There are numerical figures, models and forecasts in the thread, while one shaman describes everything in general terms...............

Name one single U.S. economic indicator that is "a problem in the long term"!

Please don't talk about "loss of political weight" - it's not even funny anymore....


There are numerical figures, models and forecasts in the thread, while one shaman describes everything in general terms...............

Name one single U.S. economic indicator that is "a problem in the long term"!

Please don't talk about "loss of political weight" - it's not even funny anymore....

Apparently you don't know how the agencies that draw "indicators" work...

I, on the other hand, am basing this on actual data coming into the terminal :

I hope you don't need to decipher which index is which.

Олег avtomat:

What's the point of these arrows if you've been losing a bunch of demo accounts to these same arrows for a year (or more)?

Where are all the trachters?


What's the point of these arrows if you've been losing a bunch of demo accounts to these same arrows for a year (or more)?

Where are all the trachters?

well, well, keep it up....

What's the point of these arrows if you've been losing a bunch of demo accounts to these same arrows for a year (or more)?

Where are all the trachters?

Do not get personal. The man is looking for something and lost tractors is not an indication that he does not understand fund. analysis.

As they say, one does not preclude the other.

Oleg avtomat:

There's a bubble in the U.S. stock market, formed as a result of liquidity outflow from the burst real estate bubble.

Only thanks to that bubble was it possible to get out of the crisis. But this bubble also has to end at some point and there is nowhere for it to go.

That is why QE1.2.3 was enacted, to smoothly deflate the bubble and transfer liquidity to finance the new industrialization of the USA (now with robotization, which was abandoned when a Chinese with a screwdriver was cheaper than a robot).

Nikolay Demko:

Don't get personal. A man is looking for something and leaking tractors is not an indication that he is not versed in fund. analysis.

As they say, one does not preclude the other.

What do personalities have to do with it? A man confirms his words by presenting his model, which has proven to be unsuitable.

Олег avtomat:

Speaking of which, it would be interesting to chart the points at which these QE 1,2,3 injections were made.


QE is a blatant manipulation of markets


US Federal Reserve monetary policy after 2008[edit | edit wiki]

In November 2008, the US Federal Reserve announced a "quantitative easing" (QE) programme. The programme involves the US Federal Reserve buying back "toxic" bonds (illiquid assets) by issuing US dollars. From November 2008 to June 2010 the Fed bought up $2.1 trillion worth of mortgage debt and other bonds. The issuance rate was $105 billion per month.

The second phase of the easing programme (QE2) started in November 2010 and ended in June 2011. The amount of repurchases was $600 billion (at a rate of $75 billion per month).

The third phase (QE3) began in September and will last until the end of 2012. The Fed has announced that it plans to issue USD 125 billion per month. Of these, $85 billion through the US Treasury buyback programme and $40 billion through the purchase of mortgage debt[18].

On December 12, 2012 the decision was published that as of 1 January 2013 the issuing speed will be 85 billion dollars per month: 45 billion for buying back the US Treasury securities and 40 billion for buying mortgage-backed securities[19][20].

The QE-3 programme, called Twist, was supposed to end in June 2012, but amid the weak growth of the American economy and, conversely, high unemployment, it was prolonged until the end of the year. In September 2012 it was extended again. The programme structure was changed to take into account the price increases that slowed down twice during the previous year. Each month the U.S. central bank sold short-term U.S. government bonds from its portfolio for 45 billion dollars and bought long-term bonds for the same amount within the Twist program. In other words, the balance of operations was zero. Since September 2012 the Fed added a new element - buying $40 billion worth of mortgage bonds every month from banks and other financial companies. This money goes into the financial system[21].

The charts confirm the thesis: QE is a blatant manipulation of markets