FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1746

Roman Busarov:

Once again, I will not be the one to answer.

Roman Busarov:

A. Grothendieck is a mathematician of legend:

Excerpt from "Crops and Crops"

...If I stood out from the crowd, it was because I was not afraid to ask questions. As a rule, they were primarily an indication of my phenomenal ignorance, both as regards mathematical language and the subject of the lecture in progress. They answered briefly, not without surprise; however, no one ever thought to "sack" the dumbfounded weirdo, to put him in his place. This did not happen either in Bourbaki's group, where everything went on without ceremony, or in the more discreet atmosphere of Léré's course at the College de France. In those distant years, from the moment I arrived in Paris with a letter in my pocket to Elie Cartan, I never once had the feeling that I belonged to an "inferior caste. The arrogant clan of the chosen ones, the inaccessibility, the hostility of the "upper class" - nothing of the sort simply did not exist back then. But if I am still familiar, and painfully familiar, with the lost feeling of resentment in the face of undeserved contempt, that knowledge is from another life. In that world, at that time, I could forget about it. Respect for the person was like air; that's why I could breathe more easily and freely than ever. To be treated as an equal, you did not need to be exhausted, accumulating merit. It was enough just to be, oddly enough.

Часть II Самодовольство и обновление - Урожаи и посевы
  • Гротендик Александр
1. Впервые за последние тринадцать лет я работаю над математическими заметками с намерением их опубликовать. Читатель не удивится, обнаружив, что после долгого молчания мой стиль изложения изменился. Это, однако, еще не признак перемены стиля или методов работы (1). Глубинная суть, то есть сама природа моих математических занятий осталась...

and Yenka drew sticks the other day, scripts:


and what do you mean by that?

And just for you, another clip from Skype.

good night, everyone.

What's wrong with the forum, is everyone like this?
wtf.jpg  262 kb
Roman Busarov:
I'm not the one to answer. The ones who chat with me are the ones who answer.
They answer in school at the blackboard and for talking back. They make predictions here ))
Hi all what did I miss?
Hey, same old same old.)
Alexey Busygin:
Hello all, what did I miss?
We have no war, the sun is shining, Putin is a kike ....) no change)
Vladimir Zubov:
We have no war, the sun is shining, Putin is a bogeyman ....) no change)
Why so boring? No positivity!