FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1608

Got an ace opinion on the pound. Is it a bounce or will we go with the trend?
Got an ace opinion on the pound. Is it a bounce or will we go with the trend?
At 1.5620 for sure.
image.jpg  104 kb

have doubts?

Well, go ahead and buy it.
Got a picture on the pound?
Got an ace opinion on the pound. Is it a bounce or are we going to go with the trend?
I would have an opinion if I was not in the countryside and could watch online normally, but not yet.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Got a picture on the pound?

Yes, boring without Sensei.....

Freedom to Guru!!!!

Considering a little bit of a prowess to buy now.
Especially tomorrow- around 1,1080.
Thank you.
For the pound, I would assume that the pullback will be somewhere between 1.5300-5350. But this is only a guess for today, the market is alive and the situation is changing.