FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1533


What about the euras?)))

Come on, Sensei, here's to tomatoes and peppers, let them grow)))

Городская психиатрическая больница, г. Воронеж
  • xn--80achd5ad.xn--p1ai
x x x x Агрыз Азнакаево Альметьевск Арск Бавлы Болгар Бугульма Буинск Елабуга Заинск Зеленодольск Казань Лаишево Лениногорск Мамадыш Менделеевск Мензелинск Набережные Челны Нижнекамск Нурлат Тетюши Чистопольx x x x x Алзамай Ангарск Байкальск Бирюсинск Бодайбо Братск Вихоревка Железногорск-Илимский Зима Иркутск Киренск Нижнеудинск Саянск...
The euro is like the euro, it's always like that. (the euro goes up - the yen is buying, the yen goes down - the yen is selling, that's all - the yen has to be flexible, I am as mobile as mercury)
Mercury is not easy... Does your TS take gravity into account?)))
You write to Strange and he'll write to you and he'll understand you. (2 half-jerks)

The words Tale, Bullshit, Half-wit... have long been patented in this thread... )))

Mercury is not light... Is gravity taken into account in your TS ?)))
So you've drawn the balance on the pomme, Sensei)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
this thread is for half-wites in general ))))

Yes, Master.

Thank you!

this thread is for half-wits ))))
Sensei! So you're a half-wit ??????? ))))))))))))))
Sensei ! You mean you're a PLEADER ??????? ))))))))))))))
So HE is.


So HE...


Wait... Let him choose his own number ))))))) )))