Advertising. Product Announcements and Releases for the Market. - page 7


In short - a shaved bear, a fried flying lizard - I don't give a **** about your market, your advertising of your products in the market.

p.s. add signals and even jooba to the marketplace.


Anyway, shaved bear, fried flying lizard - I don't give a **** about your market, your advertising of your products in the market.

Why are you so quick to jump on the bandwagon, squirrel? You were the second person to post on this thread right after me. Is that what you wanted? А? Do you? Why?

I have to get in the middle of something. It's a party, it's a shithole. Or you go where you're not invited.


Did you need it? А? Do you? Why?

There is a popular proverb: "I don't want you to be as bad as you are".

In short - shaved bear, fried flying lizard - I don't give a **** about your market, your advertising of your products in the market.

Hello, Andrei Nikolaevich.
There's a popular saying: "I don't want you to be as bad as you are."

It's not a saying. It is the excuse of those who have nothing to say in response.

"When you don't know what to say, say this and that!" - You'll look smarter.

Hello, Andrey Nikolayevich.
Good day to you too, Mederastovich Bear. I see you've taken a puppy to raise. Can't you manage on your own? The holdings are expanding.
And good day to you, Mederastovich Bear. I see you got yourself a puppy to raise. Can't you manage on your own anymore? You're expanding your domain.
Whiskey again? You've been doing that a lot, Andrei Nikolayevich.
Whiskey again? You've been doing that a lot, Andrei Nikolaevich.
Most likely. And infused with mushrooms.
You've been doing that a lot, Andrei Nikolaevich.

I haven't gone anywhere. It's just that you often mention me where I should and where I shouldn't. You're provoking me. You know I'm not going to get away with it. But there's a team of moderators. Banned is like pushing a button. That's why I'm going away.

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Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Свойства объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Свойства объектов - Документация по MQL5
with beer and croutons will do.