Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers? - page 20


Only in relation to Reshetov.

You had to cut off the bough you were sitting on to get people to call him creative.

Do you think his articles will ever get published again? What do you think this is but suicide?

Of course, Renat is the centre of the world and Editor-in-Chief of all publishing houses. He's the one the world has seen the light of day:

Warning: All rights reserved by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.

Anyone who disagrees with him is already dead.

Urain: Do you think his articles will ever be published again? What do you think this is but suicide?
Do you think he needs it? He has the right to express his demands, he has expressed them, whether he is right is another question, but no one can prohibit the right to freedom or dissent, which is what I emphasized in my post you made on the previous page.

Let's say it was you who wrote the articles, but what about others? Have they not been paid either? It seems silent, this must be the first incident. All of the payment problems that have been denounced were resolved immediately.

I also think that why bring it all to the public? it does not help, and if you win the case - everyone would know about it anyway, that MetaQuotes Software Corp was sued, etc.

I don't understand, it's all a bit strange.

I'm not for anyone, you decide the court, I now have my own trial, from 8 to 15 litigation three lawyers said from my region, and today I received an answer from a lawyer in Moscow: for

Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the RF The robbery, committed by a group of persons upon prior agreement, as well as with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons

shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of up to ten years with a fine of up to one million roubles.

This offence is a serious one with a statute of limitations of 10 years. Upon expiration of the statute of limitations the person who committed the crime is absolved of criminal liability (Article 78 of the Criminal Code).

That was at least 10 years ago. I went to the police this Sunday and confessed.

You see, you can say that I am a storyteller and how I was not caught immediately and came to confess...

That's your opinion, believe it or not.

The point is, it's stupid to put it all on the internet, like my story, everything will be decided by a court if there is one, and here it's all empty words and accusations.

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Do you think he needs it? He has the right to express his demands, he expressed, how much he is right is another matter, but the right of freedom or dissent, no one can prohibit, as I emphasized in my post, which you highlighted on the previous page.

So I come to your house and I can shit on the table? It's freedom of expression.

Don't forget that this is a private resource and everything posted here is on the terms of the owner. Rent a host, put your forum there, promote it and post what you want. If not, you'll have to negotiate with the owner.

IMHO this resource is quite democratic. Lazy to prove it, it's obvious to me. The main thing is not to shit in the plate from which you are eating.


So I come to your house and I can shit on the table? That's freedom of expression.

No, what you called it is freedom to defecate.


Don't forget that this is a private resource and everything posted here is on the owner's terms. Rent a host, put your forum there, promote it and post what you want. If not, you'll have to negotiate with the owner.

Well, nobody forgets. Read the classics, for example, "Martin Eden" by Jack London. There the author went to the publisher and punched him in the face. Considering that it's all his autobiography, that's probably how it really happened.

And it's common for an author and a publisher to agree on one thing, and then something else turns up. In this case there is a conflict.

Here is another example

Folks, if this is fxgeneral don't go. People are not decent. I once responded to their ad. However, after the disagreement with the leadership, I was banned, deprived of all ratings and rights, but all my work left on the site ignoring my requests to remove them from the site. In addition there were restrictions on earning $ 1 from the program, but no more than $ 30 per month. Moreover, the rules were changing on the fly.
Also, if to judge by your concept of "creativity", valenok2003 - instead of thanking uncle-burzhuychika for a tremendous opportunity to earn immense money, and more rolls a barrel.
Требуется программист для постоянной работы (удаленно) - MQL4 форум
Требуется программист для постоянной работы (удаленно) - MQL4 форум

No, what you called it is the freedom to defecate.

Well, nobody forgets. Read the classics, for example, "Martin Eden" by Jack London. The main character goes to his publisher and punches him in the face. Considering that it's all autobiography, that's probably how it really happened.

And it's a common thing when the author and the publisher agree on one thing, and then something else comes up. In this case there is a conflict.

Here is another example

Also, judging by your notions of "creativity", valenok2003 - instead of thanking your uncle-bourgeois for a tremendous opportunity to earn immense money, he also fights back.

I don't remember MQ ever haggling, you either agree to print on their terms or not yet.

Valenok2003's post proves once again that there are often quite free-thinking posts on this forum.


And it is common for an author and a publisher to agree on one thing and then find out something else. In this case, there is a conflict.

You should clarify. What did you, as an author, agree on with the MC and what did the "other thing" turn out to be?
You would clarify. What you, as the author, negotiated with the MC and what the "other" thing turned out to be.
And what is there to explain, when even a drunken hedgehog knows that whatever we agreed on, the end result is already common knowledge.

And it is common for an author and a publisher to agree on one thing and then find out something else. In this case there is a conflict.


What did you and the publisher agree on one thing, but it turns out to be something else? Didn't you know that the payment system on the forum operates with electronic money? Did you really think you'd get a transfer?

Anticipating the situation, I would have said you would have made a fuss because the money was in Uzbek Tugriks, not UZB, which was allegedly agreed. And you do not give a shit that your post office does not make transfers in dollars. You care about the principle.
What's there to explain when even a drunken hedgehog can see that
As a representative of the Society, I categorically protest against this abuse of hedgehogs.