Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2352


In all my time, I have not seen anything in R that is not in Python.

the second one has a lot more libraries.

The exception - Gaussianization didn't work through Lambert to pi conversion, which I made in R and posted in another thread, but even that was useless

almost all adult libraries in R are ports of Python ones.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

In all my time, I have not seen anything in R that is not in Python.

the second one has a lot more libraries.

The exception - Gaussianization didn't work through Lambert to pi conversion, which I made in R and posted in another thread, but even that turned out to be useless

almost all adult libs in R are python ports

Every post is like a joke, by golly ))))


Choosing P for some statistical tasks that are supposedly unfeasible in Python is nonsense

just a clone of the language


Every post is like an anecdote, by golly ))))

Maybe someone could use a comparison from someone who has tried and compared, not from some alkies

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Maybe someone could use a comparison from someone who has tried it and compared it, not from alkies.

Who compared them? And by what criteria?


Who compared them? And by what criteria?

read above, if memory is quite like a hummingbird )

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

read above, if your memory is like a hummingbird's.)

I have all the memory I need!

And the fact that you don't know how to display numbers from 10 to 0 in R in the console says that you're a novice in R and didn't try anything in it (because you couldn't), which means that your criticism is the usual pussy-fucking and not taken into account...

So the question is open - who compared and by what criteria?

Maybe instead of a hullabaloo, we should do something a little more meaningful.) For example,take apart something from Prado. I found his idea of unbalanced bars interesting, but I do not understand how it can be adapted to forex.
Aleksey Nikolayev:
Maybe instead of a hullabaloo we should do something more meaningful.) For example,take something from Prado apart. I find his idea of imbalance bars interesting but I do not know how it can be adapted to forex.

Not at forex)

Then if you go to other topics of the book, the no way becomes even more
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

no way in forex)

i don't know what's the point of his book, it's just that i don't know what's the point of his book.

What's the point of his book then?
