Discussion of article "Decreasing Memory Consumption by Auxiliary Indicators"


New article Decreasing Memory Consumption by Auxiliary Indicators is published:

If an indicator uses values of many other indicators for its calculations, it consumes a lot of memory. The article describes several methods of decreasing the memory consumption when using auxiliary indicators. Saved memory allows increasing the number of simultaneously used currency pairs, indicators and strategies in the client terminal. It increases the reliability of trade portfolio. Such a simple care about technical resources of your computer can turn into money resources at your deposit.

Author: Andrew


Very usefull

so if i correctly understand the main idea stream, a question comes up:

why all the standard indicators found on MT5 installation are not designed as "class" ?

Then why master wizard dont care of such idea ?


without limiting max bars from Tools> options, a quick way I use to reduce buffer space is

int maxbars =100;// last bars
limit = rates_total-rates_total+maxbars;