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} else return (false); } ticket = OrderSend …
The last close bracket terminates the function.
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Hello Everyone,
Please help me make a template for indicator to EA i tried something but it didn't work and i am getting errors with this code
template which i have
//| MACDCustom.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
input int InpTakeProfitPts = 100; //Take Profit points
input int InpStopLossPts = 100; //Stop Loss Points
//---MACD indicator parameters
input int InpFastEMA=12; // Fast EMA Period
input int InpSlowEMA=26; // Slow EMA Period
input int InpSignalSMA=9; // Signal SMA Period
input double InpOrderSize = 0.01; //Order Size
input string InpTradeComment = __FILE__; // Trade Comment
input int InpMagicNumber = 2000001; //Magic number
double TakeProfit; //After conversion from points
double StopLoss;
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
double point = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_POINT);
TakeProfit = InpTakeProfitPts * point;
StopLoss = InpStopLossPts * point;
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
// Where this is to only run once per bar
if(!NewBar()) return;
//Perform any calculations and analysis here
//Execute the strategy here
bool buyCondition = false;
bool sellCondition = false;
if(buyCondition) {
OrderOpen (ORDER_TYPE_BUY, StopLoss, TakeProfit);
} else
if (sellCondition) {
OrderOpen (ORDER_TYPE_SELL, StopLoss, TakeProfit);
// Save any information for next time
bool NewBar() {
static datetime prevTime = 0;
datetime currentTime = iTime (Symbol(), Period (), 0);
if (currentTime!=prevTime) {
prevTime = currentTime;
bool OrderOpen (ENUM_ORDER_TYPE orderType, double stopLoss, double takeProfit) {
int ticket;
double openPrice;
double stopLossPrice;
double takeProfitPrice;
if (orderType==ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
openPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
stopLossPrice = openPrice - stopLoss;
takeProfitPrice = openPrice + takeProfit;
} else
if (orderType==ORDER_TYPE_SELL) {
openPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);
stopLossPrice = openPrice + stopLoss;
takeProfitPrice = openPrice - takeProfit;
} else
return (false);
ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), orderType, InpOrderSize, openPrice, 0, stopLossPrice, takeProfitPrice, InpTradeComment, InpMagicNumber);
Errors i am getting
I am just getting so much errors in the last ticket line please help me figure that out please
1) ticket - unexpected token, probably type is missing ?
2) orderType - undeclared identifier
3) openPrice - undeclared identifier
4) stopLossPrice -undeclared identifier
5) takeProfitPrice -undeclared identifier
6) return - expression are not allowed on a global scope
7) '}' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope and these are warnings
1) declaration of 'orderType' hides global variable
2) see previous declaration of 'orderType'
3) declaration of 'ticket' hides global variable
4) see previous declaration of 'ticket'
5) declaration of 'openPrice' hides global variable
6) see previous declaration of 'openPrice'
7)declaration of 'stopLossPrice' hides global variable
8) see previous declaration of 'stopLossPrice'
9)declaration of 'takeProfitPrice' hides global variable
10) see previous declaration of takeProfitPrice'
11) variable 'ticket' is not used
12) not all control paths return a value