how to calculate swap ?


How to calculate swap if lot size is 0.01 for gbpusd

for short/long positions ?

I'm now in short position in gbpusd for 0.01 lot, in Trade tap in Swap section i see $0.09

but if I try to get it by this

printf("swap: buy: %f ,  sell: %f", SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_SWAP_LONG), SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_SWAP_SHORT));

i get the wrong prices

Result: swap: buy: -0.500000 ,  sell: -3.080000

How to get the $0.09 ?

( i would like to know swap for any symbol not for current opened position: double swap = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SWAP); )

deposit currency usd


It depends of SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE).
It depends of SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE).

so it returns


buy: -0.500000 ,  sell: -3.080000

how to calculate ?


so it returns


buy: -0.500000 ,  sell: -3.080000

how to calculate ?

For sell, it's -3.08 points, it's as you have a loosing position of 3.08 points. For GBPUSD and 0.01 lot, that means 0.03008$ for a 1 day swap.

If you have 0.09$ that means 3 days.


For sell, it's -3.08 points, it's as you have a loosing position of 3.08 points. For GBPUSD and 0.01 lot, that means 0.03008$ for a 1 day swap.

If you have 0.09$ that means 3 days.

why it shows $0.09 if I have only one overnight
why it shows $0.09 if I have only one overnight

string WeekdayToString(long day)
   string str="-";
      case SUNDAY    :
         str="Sunday";            break;
      case MONDAY    :
         str="Monday";            break;
      case TUESDAY   :
         str="Tuesday";           break;
      case WEDNESDAY :
         str="Wednesday";         break;
      case THURSDAY  :
         str="Thursday";          break;
      case FRIDAY    :
         str="Friday";            break;
      case SATURDAY  :
         str="Saturday";          break;

string asd = WeekdayToString(SymbolInfoInteger(Symbol(), SYMBOL_SWAP_ROLLOVER3DAYS));

printf("asd %s", asd);

// result: Wednesday

Thank you, problem solved.


Thank you, problem solved.

Your are welcome.