Indicators: RSD_Histogram(Relative Strength Divergence) - page 2


I was able to implement new histogram of velocity, over RSD_Histogram. I now have three histograms embedded over each other, the first is RSDHistogram(original), then RSDSumDiff of velocity, then we have HistSumDiff of velocity. these new histograms will enable us to see velocity movement  of "RSD_Histogram "over time. 5stars to developers of MQL5.

I thought about New formula for RSD..? So that we don't depend on RSI, but values in RSI at certain speed of moving average(Fast Ma/Slow Ma) while i keep the logic the same..
I decided to keep formula in current form, it makes no sense to change it either...!
levels job, was completed today, everything documented, I have now opened another job, its hard to find bidders for the job, the job has been on display for a week i think, only had one bid, which is not even active on  chat, i can't even select him, he is not talking, not practical, just idle, i don't know how MQL5 approved his seller status..?

Okay today was a busy day, working on another project within the project. this time we completed momentum part, it looks promising. tomorrow we will get mean of momentum in motion, so that we end up with MomDev at some point at present, we don't care what the future will look like, we held no keys for them... here is an example things we completed so far...


We finally completed deviation part, it was a long day, we used all properties of MQL5 in our Histograms. here is a results... next project is about trend%, so we will find "RSD Trend %" using everything from within, everything we know about the state of the market..

It becomed emergency, that i will abort trend% for now, finding our own volume becomed a priority in succesion approach of what need to be done next within our logic ethics of succesion. Basicaly volume is defined as a fight between buyers and sellers, we will define our own custom volume that will meet our logic, using everything we have already aquired at this stage.
Today, i am planning my volume version of myself, volume of outer space where anything is possible, we will never come back to earth, where they hide real volume to themselves, then show us a tick volume, something that is not even real.. we were programmed to remain in space from the first day of our existence around 2021, we don't want to loose that logic, however we can deviate to a point of collapse, we will always find our way back to space, were we belong...

current version can't run on strategy tester, i am getting warnings like arrays error, mismatch of data and so on and so forth. when i view visual chart it is still stuck in the beginning of the birth of the oscillator, when there was only a man and a woman in the wonderland of outer space, here is a problem description.. how can we enter strategy tester from space, our rules are not the same, yet we orbit..


Kyda BelRoch-Veldamo #:

current version can't run on strategy tester, i am getting warnings like arrays error, mismatch of data and so on and so forth. when i view visual chart it is still stuck in the beginning of the birth of the oscillator, when there was only a man and a woman in the wonderland of outer space, here is a problem description.. how can we enter strategy tester from space, our rules are not the same, yet we orbit..


What were you trying?