SymbolInfoDouble : what's that phenomenom ?


Hi there !

Need help (quite quickly !), lost money because of ...

   double LastPrice=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_LAST);
   printf("Prix actuel : %G", LastPrice);

----------> Returns : 
2014.10.30 16:01:02.979 Prix actuel : 0

Did I miss something ? Is there anyway to return the current price (ask/bid) ? 

EDIT : do I have to write to the service desk, it seems to me the syntax is definitively good ?


Hi there !

Need help (quite quickly !), lost money because of ...

Did I miss something ? Is there anyway to return the current price (ask/bid) ?

See SymbolInfoDouble()  documentation :


It is recommended to use SymbolInfoTick() if the function is used for getting information about the last tick. It may well be that not a single quote has appeared yet since the terminal is connected to a trading account. In such a case, the requested value will be indefinite.

In most cases, it is enough to use SymbolInfoTick() function allowing a user to receive the values of Ask, Bid, Last, Volume and the time of the last tick's arrival during a single call.

When you are using a function, you ALWAYS have to check the returned value. I don't know why you got a value of 0 but obviously there was an error.

P.S: It seems it's common situation.


Hi there !

Need help (quite quickly !), lost money because of ...

Did I miss something ? Is there anyway to return the current price (ask/bid) ? 

EDIT : do I have to write to the service desk, it seems to me the syntax is definitively good ?

See also

See SymbolInfoDouble()  documentation :

When you are using a function, you ALWAYS have to check the returned value. I don't know why you got a value of 0 but obviously there was an error.

Checking always the returned value is kinda ... errrr ... I either don't know why, I will write to the service desk. How am I supposed to use SymbolInfoTick ?

   MqlTick Tick;
   double LastPrice=SymbolInfoTick(Symbol(),Tick.ask);

Debug :

'ask' - parameter conversion not allowed

Checking always the returned value is kinda ... errrr ... I either don't know why, I will write to the service desk.

It's good programming practice. But you are free to do it or not :-)

How am I supposed to use SymbolInfoTick ?

Debug :

See an example here.
It's good programming practice. But you are free to do it or not :-)

See an example here.
Indeed, it's a good a habit to have, I do it differently, I write the code, test it and read the debug windows. But such an error ... on such a platform, with such the money I lost ... I may change my habits :/