Spammed by a Signal I have not even subscribed to!!! - page 2

Paul Anscombe:

well I am not going to argue further about it other than to say, if a company has the ability to stop unsolicited subscriptions then it should do so and not just rely on banning offenders - pretty sure the online laws will cover that and Metaquotes is in the EU now... 

but I still don't even understand where these channels are or get created, where is it on this website? how could I find one if I actually wanted to subscribe to one?


In profile - Messages:

Example of one channel under popular category:


In Metatrader's chat (I am using chat system in MT5 which is located on the top right corner of MT5):

Sergey Golubev:

In profile - Messages:

Example of one channel under popular category:


In Metatrader's chat (I am using chat system in MT5 which is located on the top right corner of MT5):

okay thanks,  so as I see it, I am allowed to create a channel and subscribe whoever I like to it, so long as I don't subscribe them twice?  because there is a big button that says "Add Members" 

so that button is only there to allow unsolicited subscription....   so all they have to do is remove the button or make it send an invite instead, easy to fix :)

Paul Anscombe:

okay thanks,  so as I see it, I am allowed to create a channel and subscribe whoever I like to it, so long as I don't subscribe them twice?  because there is a big button that says "Add Members" 

so that button is only there to allow unsolicited subscription....   so all they have to do is remove the button or make it send an invite instead, easy to fix :)

I don't want invitation either.

They just have to make the Channels more visible so anyone interested can subscribe. I could find acceptable an invitation from a friend, this way I would just have to remove it from my "friend" list.

See also

How to leave a chat group?
How to leave a chat group?
  • 2019.06.15
As from the title. Thanks...