My name is not written in right way and cannot change it



My First name is showing as a very long name and it is not correct and not user friendly

Please show my name as first and last name only "Mohammed Almahri"


Mohammed Qourat Eas Moosa Almahri:


My First name is showing as a very long name and it is not correct and not user friendly

Please show my name as first and last name only "Mohammed Almahri"


You are a seller, your name is your registered name and it cannot be changed.

What do you mean is wrong, is the name you provided upon registration.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You are a seller, your name is your registered name and it cannot be changed.

What do you mean is wrong, is the name you provided upon registration.

First of all, there is no need to be aggressive if you want to help,

My First name is Mohammed and my Last name is Almahri as per Legal documents,

And the rest is my father, grand father and grand grand father,

And I said wrong because it is wrongly written by the bot that reads the documents (it is "Easa" not "Eas" and it is only "First: Mohammed" "Last: Almahri" not more)

looking for your kind reply and support

Mohammed Qourat Eas Moosa Almahri: First of all, there is no need to be aggressive if you want to help,

There was no aggression. Eleni simply told you it can not be changed (as a seller) by us users.

William Roeder:

There was no aggression. Eleni simply told you it can not be changed (as a seller) by us users.

Thanks for your elaboration, I thought there are support team working to solve users issues in this forum,

This is a users' forum not Metaquotes. Only MetaQuotes can handle that. Contact Service Desk. Bottom of every page is Contacts and requests. Or one of the two Russian threads, per:
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The service desk is dealing with financial issues only for now. And any other issues/possible bugs/suggestions/ideas/etc should be discussed on the forum.
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