VPS frozen


Hello, I paid the VPS for 3 months, I have just read that you have frozen my VPS service, I don't think that's a good thing, especially since I want to do a test with a robot for the last 14 days.

I expect you to take back the frozen ones.

Best regards, Heinz Kampff

BAIXAR HR-K: I paid the VPS for 3 months, I have just read that you have frozen my VPS service, I don't think that's a good thing, especially since I want to do a test with a robot for the last 14 days.

I expect you to take back the frozen ones.

  1. Please post only in English on this forum. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation.

  2. We are users here. We can't do anything any more than you can. Write to the Service Desk.

Hello, I paid the VPS for 3 months, I have just read that you have frozen my VPS service, I don't think that's a good thing, especially since I want to do a test with a robot for the last 14 days.

I expect you to take back the frozen ones.

Best regards, Heinz Kampff

What do you mean they have frozen your VPS?

Post some screenshot of the problem please, some MQL5 VPS Journal logs for example.