CommentLab Problem Line Break


Hello, I use this function for commenting.

void CommentLab(string CommentText)  
   string CommentLabel, label_name;
   int CommentIndex = 0;
   label_name = "CommentLabel"; 

   if (CommentText == "")
      //  delete all Comment texts
      while(ObjectFind(0,label_name) >= 0)
//    return;

//    Print("CommentText: ",CommentText);
      ObjectSetInteger(0,label_name, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
      //--- set X coordinate
      //--- set Y coordinate
      //--- define text color
      //--- define text for object Label
      //--- define font
      //--- define font size
      //--- 45 degrees rotation clockwise
//    ObjectSetDouble(0,label_name,OBJPROP_ANGLE,-45);
      //--- disable for mouse selecting
      //--- draw it on the chart

I am using comment like this

CommentLab( StringConcatenate("Highest Sell " + highestsell + " Lot - Highest Buy " + highestbuy + " Lot") );

It outputs just one line

Now i want it output as 2 line like,

Highest Sell 1.1434

Highest Buy 1.4544

How can i do that, how can i make line break with this function??

Mehmet Cak: How can i do that, how can i make line break with this function??

You make two objects.

William Roeder:

You make two objects.

I tried it before like

CommentLab( StringConcatenate("Highest Sell " + highestsell + " Lot " ) );

CommentLab( StringConcatenate(""Highest Buy " + highestbuy + " Lot") );

but i can see only the last row. First one disapper when second line comes :-(

Mehmet Cak:

I tried it before like

CommentLab( StringConcatenate("Highest Sell " + highestsell + " Lot " ) );

CommentLab( StringConcatenate(""Highest Buy " + highestbuy + " Lot") );

but i can see only the last row. First one disapper when second line comes :-(


I suggest to you to pass in your call 2 parameters, labelname and position :

void CommentLab(string CommentText, string label_name, int y_pos)  
   string CommentLabel;
   int CommentIndex = 0;
   if (CommentText == "")
      //  delete all Comment texts
      while(ObjectFind(0,label_name) >= 0)
//    return;

//    Print("CommentText: ",CommentText);
      ObjectSetInteger(0,label_name, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
      //--- set X coordinate
      //--- set Y coordinate
      //--- define text color
      //--- define text for object Label
      //--- define font
      //--- define font size
      //--- 45 degrees rotation clockwise
//    ObjectSetDouble(0,label_name,OBJPROP_ANGLE,-45);
      //--- disable for mouse selecting
      //--- draw it on the chart

Then, you can call like this :

CommentLab( StringConcatenate("Highest Sell " + highestsell + " Lot " ),"comment_label_1", 15 );

CommentLab( StringConcatenate(""Highest Buy " + highestbuy + " Lot"),"comment_label_2", 25 ); 
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