How do I use the "nz" function in the tradingview in metatrader 5?


First of all, I am not good at English. I'm sorry.

The tradingview has a function called nz.

I want to implement this nz function in metatrader 5, but I don't know what to do....

Can you help me?

This is a tradingview reference page for the nz function.

Replaces NaN values with zeros (or given value) in a series.

nz(x, y) → integer


nz(sma(close, 100))

Two args version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise y
One arg version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise 0
x (series) Series of values to process.

y (float) Value that will be inserted instead of all NaN values in x series.


Since MTx doesn't use NaN nor does any functions return it, an implementation can not be done.

Since indicator functions can, on error, return EMPTY_VALUE or zero (or any other number), it can not be done. (E.g. Asking for iMA of length 10, from [Bars-1…Bars-9].)

double nz(double v, double r=0.0){ if(v == EMPTY_VALUE) v = r; return r; }

Thank you very much for your reply.
EMA(x, t)=>
    EMA = x
    EMA := na(EMA[1]) ? x : (x - nz(EMA[1]))*(2/(t + 1)) + nz(EMA[1])
Call = EMA(tr(true),14 ))
William Roeder

Since MTx doesn't use NaN nor does any functions return it, an implementation can not be done.

Since indicator functions can, on error, return EMPTY_VALUE or zero (or any other number), it can n

ot be done. (E.g. Asking for iMA of length 10, from [Bars-1…Bars-9].)

In Trading view float and series float data types makes easy when referencing previous values of variable[1], basically you can reference previous value of variable(if there is).
MLQ4 only double NO series double data type -- This what makes difficult ( Impossible ) when referencing previous value of variable.
How do you reference Previous value of a variable, not the previous value of OHCLC or volume, But Previous value of a variable.

Can Anyone on the plant convert this function in mlq4. Thanks : )

Yes, it is possible to achieve this.

You would need to create a buffer holding the sma-values.

MQL5 has calculation buffers for indicators.

Or you build a function called sma, taking the parameters and returning the result.

MQL5 very well supports NaN value, since it is a hardware definition. Turn off zero division check in the project. Then you can divide by zero and get as a result NaN.

Another way to get a NaN value is this:

This will also result in NaN value.
Dominik Egert:
Yes, it is possible to achieve this.

You would need to create a buffer holding the sma-values.

MQL5 has calculation buffers for indicators.

Or you build a function called sma, taking the parameters and returning the result.

MQL5 very well supports NaN value, since it is a hardware definition. Turn off zero division check in the project. Then you can divide by zero and get as a result NaN.

Another way to get a NaN value is this:

This will also result in NaN value.

Thanks : )

My Question how do you make (is it possible) variable Series i,e,, which can be referenced by a history operator [] , like we do for OHLCV ( please don't confuse with arrays ).  (  in mlq4 )
Problem in referencing previous values of <data type>variable[1]  that DOES'T include built in series variable OHLCV .


First of all, I am not good at English. I'm sorry.

The tradingview has a function called nz.

I want to implement this nz function in metatrader 5, but I don't know what to do....

Can you help me?

This is a tradingview reference page for the nz function.

Replaces NaN values with zeros (or given value) in a series.

nz(x, y) → integer


nz(sma(close, 100))

Two args version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise y
One arg version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise 0
x (series) Series of values to process.

y (float) Value that will be inserted instead of all NaN values in x series.

You can use this:

double nz(double val, double def = 0.0) { return (MathClassify(val)!=FP_NAN) ? val : def; }

void OnStart()
#define PRINT(A) Print( #A + " = ", (A))

   double nan1=double("nan");
   double nan2=MathSqrt(-1);
   double nan3=MathLog(-1);
   double nan4=MathArcsin(2.0);



// output:
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nan1 = nan
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nan2 = -nan(ind)
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nan3 = -nan(ind)
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nan4 = -nan(ind)

2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nz(nan1) = 0.0
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nz(nan2) = 0.0
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nz(nan3) = 0.0
2021.07.24 08:54:39.313 test (GBPUSD,H1)  nz(nan4) = 0.0
In mql5 you can use calculation buffers.
In mql4 I don't know.
But in the end, it's only possible with arrays.


You create a class object, overwrite the []operator and use this as an alternative.
The current version of Metatrader5 has new math functions. Among them, the "MathIsValidNumber" function does the same function as nz...