Discussion of article "MQL as a Markup Tool for the Graphical Interface of MQL Programs. Part 2"


New article MQL as a Markup Tool for the Graphical Interface of MQL Programs. Part 2 has been published:

This paper continues checking the new conception to describe the window interface of MQL programs, using the structures of MQL. Automatically creating GUI based on the MQL markup provides additional functionality for caching and dynamically generating the elements and controlling the styles and new schemes for processing the events. Attached is an enhanced version of the standard library of controls.

We can delete any interface element available in cache, i.e., not only those added by the Inject button. In this manner, you can, for example, delete the entire left half or the right "radiobox." Most interesting thing will happen, if we try to delete the upper container with two buttons. This will result in that the Export button won't be bound to the dialog anymore and will stay in the chart.

Editable Form: Adding and Deleting Elements

Editable Form: Adding and Deleting Elements

This happens, since it is the only element that is intentionally described as an automatic, not dynamic variable (in the form class, there is an instance of CButton, m_button3).

When the standard library tries to delete interface elements, it delegates this to array class CArrayObj, which, in turn, checks the pointer type and only deletes objects with POINTER_DYNAMIC. Thus, it becomes clear that, to construct an adaptive interface where elements can replace each other or be deleted completely, it is desirable to use dynamic placement, and cache offers an ready solution for this.

Author: Stanislav Korotky