MT4 Linux mint

I have recently installed Linux mint on my laptop,does MT4 run on this operating system ?
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hey Forest,

not fully, some Bugs canappear. You can use it on Linux but fixing these bugs can be tricky

you can run MT4 in WIne and most functions work, but some (we are talking about minor issues, cant open the metaquotes Help for exmple) not, i've installed MT4 on serveral debian-based Distros (Ubuntu,kali, etc.) for testing purposes, and let me tell you this bugfixing/modifying the OS can become time-comsuming.

Try it out, check if it works and if not is Virtualbox your Friend, then you can use it without fixing :-)

Oh, btw Performance in Wine is Fine so if you dont run into troubles just use wine^^


Many thanks for your reply and advice,i am completely new to Linux but i like what i have seen so far

i still have a lot of features to explore and investigate to see what they do,wine and virtualbox look

promising when i get chance to play with them.

Once again many thanks.