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Nelson Wanyama:

I don't see where we're going with this. Ego can sometimes be a bad thing. So, I'm letting you win since I'm not getting paid to maintain this thread😎

I was expecting a response from you supporting your accusations.

You accuse (me?) of trashing JC. Why, I don't know! So I would expect you to explain why you think that I am doing any trashing not just make unfounded accusations.

Nelson Wanyama:

On behalf of this forum, we have failed you.

We can't continue trashing people who provide useful responses in this forum.

I'd take a one or two less relevant posts from a useful contributor positively. Surely, I can tell if a post is off-topic, and decide whether to read it or not.


We're sorry.

You have no right to apologise on behalf of the Forum. You are a single forum user, so do not act as if you represent other users. Yes, ego can be a bad thing.

There is nothing to apologise for.

There is no winner here and you are not letting anybody win. Maybe you realise that you were wrong but your ego will not allow you to apologise unless it is on behalf of someone else.

Nelson Wanyama:

since I'm not getting paid to maintain this thread😎

Nobody gets paid to maintain any thread. I certainly don't get paid. I am an unpaid moderator and do not deserve to be treated like this just for trying to maintain some sort of order in the forum.

Keith Watford:

I was expecting a response from you supporting your accusations.

You accuse (me?) of trashing JC. Why, I don't know! So I would expect you to explain why you think that I am doing any trashing not just make unfounded accusations.

You have no right to apologise on behalf of the Forum. You are a single forum user, so do not act as if you represent other users. Yes, ego can be a bad thing.

There is nothing to apologise for.

There is no winner here and you are not letting anybody win. Maybe you realise that you were wrong but your ego will not allow you to apologise unless it is on behalf of someone else.

Nobody gets paid to maintain any thread. I certainly don't get paid. I am an unpaid moderator and do not deserve to be treated like this just for trying to maintain some sort of order in the forum.

The game is over. Why are you still kicking the ball? Need a rematch  or something? If you do, please look out for my next post😎

Nelson Wanyama:

The game is over. Why are you still kicking the ball? Need a rematch  or something? If you do, please look out for my next post😎

So not only are you the self-appointed representative of the forum, now you are some kind of referee?

IF the game is over, why are you still fielding your weak defence?

You could strengthen your defence by explaining the reasons for your unfounded accusations.

Nelson Wanyama:

The game is over. Why are you still kicking the ball? Need a rematch  or something? If you do, please look out for my next post😎

In terms of ego you are a champion apparently. Grow up please. You have the potential to be a good contributor on this community but believe me (or not) you need to change your mindset seriously.

I am saying it very friendly and in your best interest.