Best broker to avoid slippage when copying


Using <Deleted> brokers I've missed every trade under <signal name removed> for the last 2 days and slippage is the most likely explanation.

Looking at slippage recommendations under each signal provider it seems a different broker would be needed in almost every instance to ensure most trades are placed.

Rather than sign up to several different brokers is there one account that would be the best compromise, hitting most trades across many signal providers? 


Using <Deleted> brokers I've missed every trade under <signal name removed> for the last 2 days and slippage is the most likely explanation.

Looking at slippage recommendations under each signal provider it seems a different broker would be needed in almost every instance to ensure most trades are placed.

Rather than sign up to several different brokers is there one account that would be the best compromise, hitting most trades across many signal providers? 

No, there isn't such option, since slippage depends on the broker/server the signal provider uses.