Why does the IDE freeze after 6000 to 10000 lines of code


ive been coding none stop for the past 5 days and now serious lag is slowing me down..

when i type i have to wait for aleast 20 seconds or more before the the data typed, is entered into the ide.. is there a way to solve this?


Im parsing through the functions and putting them into a library maybe that can solve some issues..

if anyone has any hints or solutions please help. :)


Try new buid.

MetaEditor: Optimized work with large source text files (tens of megabytes). Increased operation speed and reduced memory consumption.


Try new buid.

Where do i download the software?

I read at the bottom of the link to use live update i searched the folder the program was installed

No Luck

Searched the IDE on both the Terminal.exe and Editor

No Luck

LiveUpdate Frozen 2nd Time
LiveUpdate Frozen 2nd Time
Create any demo account on the MetaQuotes-Demo server and wait a little bit. The update will happen automatically.