How to define a conditional macro in this case?


Hello people! :)
All right?

I am looking for a way to define a FunctionLine conditional macro, that when the defined language is English, the macro returns (  " Function: " + __FUNCTION__ + " line: " + __LINE__"), when the defined language is Portuguese, the macro returns (  " Função: " + __FUNCTION__ + " linha: " + __LINE__"). I've researched a lot and haven't found a solution yet. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for your attention! : D

Example with error:

string Language = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE);

#define  FunctionLine if (Language==English) { "Function: " + __FUNCTION__ + " line: " + __LINE__ }    \
		      if (Language==Portuguese) { "Função: " + __FUNCTION__ + "linha:" + __LINE__ }

int start() {
   if (true)    {Print(GetLastError()+FunctionLine);}

If it's only two languages you could use the ternary operator:

string Language = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE);

#define  FunctionLine ((Language=="Portuguese" ? "Função: "+__FUNCTION__+" linha: " : "Function: "+__FUNCTION__+" line: ")+(string)__LINE__)

int start() {
   if (true)    {Print(GetLastError()+" "+FunctionLine);}

A macro will not work since line and function are also macros, not variables. If you define it on line 5 and use it on line 10 in a function, your output will be global 5 — not what you want.

Make a proper function and pass function/line/message to it.

William Roeder:

A macro will not work since line and function are also macros, not variables. If you define it on line 5 and use it on line 10 in a function, your output will be global 5 — not what you want.

Make a proper function and pass function/line/message to it.

1. Works like a charm over here:

#define  FunctionLine ((Language=="Portuguese" ? "Função: "+__FUNCTION__+" linha: " : "Function: "+__FUNCTION__+" line: ")+(string)__LINE__)
string Language;

int OnInit()
  Print("Language=",Language," ",FunctionLine); // --> Language=English Function: OnInit line: 634

  Print("Language=",Language," ",FunctionLine); // --> Language=Portuguese Função: OnInit linha: 637

2. Agree, it's better wrapped into a function call.

#define LogError(s) _LogError(s,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__)

void _LogError(string text,string funcname,int line)
   string                     location="Function: " + funcname + " line: ";
   if(Language=="Portuguese") location="Função: "   + funcname + " linha: ";
   else if(Language=="...")   location="...: "      + funcname + " ...: ";
   Print(text,(_LastError ? " error "+(string)_LastError : "")," ",location,line);

int OnInit()
      LogError("invalid period: "+(string)InpPeriod); // --> invalid period: 1 Function: OnInit line: 15

If it's only two languages you could use the ternary operator:

lippmaje YOU ARE THE BEST!

Thank you very much!

Here is the final solution for this case:

string Language = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE);

#define  FunctionLine (((Language=="Portuguese (Brazil)" || Language=="Portuguese (Portugal)") ? "Função: "+__FUNCTION__+" linha: " : "Function: "+__FUNCTION__+" line: ")+(string)__LINE__)

int start() {
   if (true)    Print(GetlastError()+FunctionLine);

My goal was to use as few words as possible in creating this solution, and this macro fell perfectly to save such words in code.

Below is a workaround that I had created while I couldn't find a better one, because I didn't want the macro to have the Print command because I wanted to call this macro into several different prints in the code.

string Language = TerminalInfoString (TERMINAL_LANGUAGE);

#define FunctionLine if (Language == English) {Print ("Function:" + __ FUNCTION __ + "line:" + __ LINE__);} \

if (Language == Portuguese) {Print ("Função:" + __ FUNCTION __ + "linha:" + __ LINE__);}

int start () {

   if (true) {FunctionLine;}

   return (0);


My first attempt was just creating a function (as below) and I found that the macros __FUNCTION__ and __LINE__ were always printing the same line and function, ie function and line where I call them (FunctionLine and line X of it), then not It made sense, because I need them inside the code in different places, the solution I found was to define a new macro up there to save repetitive lines of code, but I was missing this detail that I had not discovered to make it work the way I need it.

string FunctionLine ()
   string Language = TerminalInfoString (TERMINAL_LANGUAGE);
   // --- language check
   if (Language == "English") {return ("Function:" + __ FUNCTION __ + "Line:" + __ LINE__);} // English

   // --- Portuguese - in all other cases
   return ("Função:" + __ FUNCTION __ + "Linha:" + __ LINE__); // Portuguese

Of course, for more than two languages ​​it will be necessary to create a function or the print alternative within the macro as I had originally created.

Thank you very much lippmaje and William Roeder for the considerations and shared knowledge, were very important!

Success and good trades! :D

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
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