Getting Today's Data from MarketWatch (too slow)



I am trying to export just the today's data from every stock from my watch list (around 250 assets) using the following code (based on

void OnStart()
        uint start = GetTickCount();

//--- Get symbols from list
        string strSymbols = SymbolsList;
        if ( strSymbols == "all" || strSymbols == "" )
                strSymbols = "";
                for ( int s = SymbolsTotal( true )-1; s >= 0; s -- )
                        StringAdd( strSymbols, SymbolName( s, true ) );
                        if ( s != 0 ) StringAdd( strSymbols, "," );

        string  SymbolsName[];
        int             SymbolsCount = StringToArray( strSymbols, SymbolsName );
        if ( SymbolsCount <= 0 )
                Alert( "Invalid SymbolsList (\"", SymbolsList, "\")!" );

//--- Get TFs from list
        string strTimeFrames = TimeFramesList;
        if ( strTimeFrames == "all" || strTimeFrames == "" ) strTimeFrames = "M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1";

        string  PeriodsName[];
        int             PeriodsCount = StringToArray( strTimeFrames, PeriodsName );
        if ( PeriodsCount <= 0 )
                Alert( "Invalid TimeFramesList (\"", TimeFramesList, "\")!" );

//--- Get bars count
        int BarsCount = BarsToDownload, MaxBars = TerminalInfoInteger( TERMINAL_MAXBARS );
        if ( BarsCount <= 0 || BarsCount > MaxBars ) BarsCount = MaxBars;

        int files_count = 0;
        for ( int s = 0; s < SymbolsCount; s ++ )
                for ( int p = 0; p < PeriodsCount; p ++ )
                   Comment( "Downloading history and writing files: ", DoubleToString( (PeriodsCount*s+p)/double(SymbolsCount*PeriodsCount)*100.0, 1 ), "% complete..." );
                        CheckLoadHistory( SymbolsName[s], StringToPeriod( PeriodsName[p] ), BarsCount );
                        if ( WriteHistoryToFile( SymbolsName[s], StringToPeriod( PeriodsName[p] ), BarsCount ) ) files_count ++;

        Alert( "History export finished within ", DoubleToString( (GetTickCount() - start)/1000.0, 1 ), " sec! ", IntegerToString( files_count ), " files have been written to:\n", 
                                TerminalInfoString( TERMINAL_DATA_PATH ), "\\MQL5\\Files\\History (" + AccountInfoString( ACCOUNT_SERVER ) + ")\\" );
        Comment( "" );

//|                                                                  |
bool WriteHistoryToFile( string symbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, int bars_count )
        uint start = GetTickCount();

        CFileTxt FileTxt;

        MqlRates rates_array[];
        ArraySetAsSeries( rates_array, true );

        int copy_count = CopyRates( symbol, period, 0, bars_count, rates_array );
        if ( copy_count < 0 ) return(false);

        int digits =(int)SymbolInfoInteger( symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS );
        int period_s = PeriodSeconds( period ) / 60;

        // Open a file
        FileTxt.Open( "History (" + AccountInfoString( ACCOUNT_SERVER ) + ")\\" + symbol + PeriodToString ( period   ) + ".txt", FILE_WRITE );

   int          version         = 400;
   string       c_copyright     = "Copyright 2012-2013, komposter";
   int          i_unused                [14];

         for ( int i = copy_count-1; i >= 0; i -- )
                string str_write = "";
                StringConcatenate( str_write
                                                                        , symbol
                                                                        , ",D"
                                                                        , ",",TimeToString( rates_array[i].time, TIME_DATE )
                           , ",", TimeToString( rates_array[i].time, TIME_MINUTES )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].open      , digits )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].high      , digits )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].low               , digits )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].close     , digits )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].real_volume, 0 )
                                                                        , ",", DoubleToString( rates_array[i].tick_volume, 0 )
                                                                        , "\n" );
                FileTxt.WriteString( str_write );


        Print( symbol, ", ", EnumToString( period ), ": ", IntegerToString( copy_count ), " bars have been written to \"", FileTxt.FileName());


However, it takes too long (more than 20 minutes to download just 1 bar). Is there any suggestion in order to make this faster ?

Guilherme Moniz Caixeta:

I am trying to export just the today's date from every stock from my watch list (around 250 assets) using the following code (based on

Why? Isn't the date the same for all of them?

Keith Watford:

Why? Isn't the date the same for all of them?

I would like to export today's data (Time, open, low, high, close (at the moment), volume) 

Guilherme Moniz Caixeta:

I would like to export today's data (Time, open, low, high, close (at the moment), volume) 

I thought it was a bit weird. I see that you have now edited your post and replaced date with data.