Freelancers can leak your codes


My freelancer <Deleted>is still in project with me to convert my code to mt5 after three weeks.

He was called out for posting my EA running on his live account and as well backtests on SOEHOE.ID.

The guy shows no remorse and continues to coordinate buyers directing them to his email address.

So I contact site administrator to take his forum post down and all hell breaks loose on my browser.

Suddenly my browser is getting scripting calls through the network as I watch it all unfold on wireshark.

My accounts were logged out and passwords changed from odd locations and even browser refreshed!

So then after getting my PC working again I see him post on SOEHOE.ID that he is going to make a new post!

And now I am angry as all hell to say the least I let him know I would do everything in my power to stop him,

Wrote the site admin again, have him a piece of my mind on skype and he was very coy to say the least,

Let him know once again this will not be tolerated from my own freelancer project that he has ignored.

The MQL5 staff doesn't have anything better of relief than their own selfish needs so this is where i stand.

The only thing I can think to do is to file an IC3 report on him to investigate all his accounts for purchases.

So if nothing ever happen from this then know and be worried that something like this can happen to you!


That's not the place to complain about a specific freelancer.

Well actually then where is it then?
Brian Lillard:
Well actually then where is it then?

Most recent information about Freelance arbitration :

If an issue cannot be solved, parties can still request Arbitration from the service moderators. In the future, we also plan to automate such cases.

What remains to be solved is the fact that this doesn't solve the problem

The account being dismissed is equal to the code being disbursed?

Brian Lillard:

What remains to be solved is the fact that this doesn't solve the problem

The account being dismissed is equal to the code being disbursed?

Sorry but as I said it's not the place to discuss about a private things between a freelancer and a customer.

And honestly I don't understand anything to your problem.


No problem just file arbitration and get his account crashed

Oh and let me tell you I am crashed as well and thank you!


Seems you can only file arbitration on deviation from specifications.

I am sure alot of members would like to know what happens.


I have deleted the name of the developer as we have no way of knowing whether your accusations are true or not.

You can ask for arbitration for any legitimate reason.
