Reliability Calculation



Is there more details about reliability calculation?

You guys are not being honest or clear about it!

For example, Trading activity. What is the purpouse about that?

Because there are some accounts (signals) doing swing trading and others doing day trading. It is not a good comparision. And there are others reasons to open/close a position, sometimes market could give you more or less oportunities. 

It is VERY IMPORTANT to show us not only a simple graphic, more important is show numbers and the formules to check where is the pros and cons of each account.

I think you guys could show more respect to the milions of users and be more transparency.

Guilherme Mendonca:

You guys are not being honest or clear about it!

I think you guys could show more respect to the milions of users and be more transparency.

Who are "You Guys"???

This is a users forum. We are users, the same as you. If you don't like the food in a restaurant would you tell other customers "Your food is terrible"?

Keith Watford:

Who are "You Guys"???

This is a users forum. We are users, the same as you. If you don't like the food in a restaurant would you tell other customers "Your food is terrible"?

You’re right!

In fact, I don’t know where I make my complain direct to the owners/programmers of MQL5.

I thought that maybe at forum area, besides the users some mql5 moderators could see my complain and do something.