Trader ready to make a living with expert advisor with some doubts - page 3

Fernando Carreiro
  1. Personally I don't like it. I consider it less reliable and more expensive in my view. On a normal VPN you can run more than one instance of MetaTrader and on more than one account, as well as any DLL's or databases or any other support application you may need, which you can't do on here. For me, using 3rd party VPS is more flexible and saves costs, but it does require that you manage everything yourself.

Hey Fernando... could you give me some example of uses of DLLS ? Also.. what good is it to run multiple instances of Metatrader other than multiple accounts?

I just saw a video of databases but I dont need any (at least now) with my robot.... (

Im thinking the only advantages of vps that ive already found is price... although Im not very familiar with terms like ping and latency which I would believe through the metatrader vps wont have any problems.



2)Optimal computer setups to run it from your house efficiently

This is what works for me. I have a netbook computer off to the side, connected to the internet by means of an ethernet cable to my modem/router, which networks the netbook computer to my desktop computer. I develop EAs on my desktop and upload them to the netbook, on which I run the EA in Metatrader 24/5. Nothing else runs on the netbook. It runs quietly and uses little power, as the lid is closed most of the time. On weekends I put it in hibernate mode, and wake it up before market open on Sunday, with Metatrader and the EA still running. If there is a power outage, the desktop computer goes out but the netbook keeps running on battery. I also have a 12 volt battery that keeps the modem/router running during a power outage. An alternative to that would be to have the netbook on its own wireless internet connection through a cell phone network. It uses about a hundred megabytes of internet data per week.

Fernando Carreiro:

Let me answer all your question in just one go ... Before you worry about VPNs and whether anyone is going to "steal" it not, first worry about whether it actually works and makes money, irrespective of it being "beautiful" or not. In other words, "Does it blend?".

So, start by running it at home on your own PC on a demo account. Then move onto a cent account when you are satisfied and have ironed out the kinks. Then finally move onto a real account and if it works, it will fund VPN costs (which ever route you take).

Newbies are always paranoid about someone stealing the robot, when in fact there is nothing new that has not already being done yet, and all of them, no matter how good, will fail in the hands of someone that does not know how to use them properly.

So first, worry about it actually working and making you money - then you can worry about the rest once it is filling your pocket.

1)Can someone point me to a good thread or website where they compare VPNs vs having EAs running from your house
  vpn is visual personal network which used to connect to the network on the Internet . without vpn you cannot reached there.
   i think you means VPS(visual personal server). vps is store in professional IDC(internet data center), with gurteen connection,ddos protection,gurteen electricity provide. more service if you pay more.
    running at home cannot gurteen connection ,electricity,pc suddenly break down,on fire,city block poweroff,maybe your child or cat destroy your pc....please dont ask me why i am sure:(


2)Optimal computer setups to run it from your house efficiently
    a room with locked. safe electricity suply system(eg.shortcut protection),UPS.
    a pc with only mt4,no games no video player antivirus.etc.

3)If I use vpn.. Can they steal my robot? my code??
    i was an admin of vps company,ican tell you that browser clients' vps is very boring.usually vps are made from 1 physical pc ,vps are separateed each others and standalone file,that means there a bit difficult to do this.
    if you use vps and worry about,only upload the compiled one(.ex4),it is not so easy to be decompiled.
     if they still want it,iam sure they come for you. but only if you profit from ea and had been one of the richest man of the whole world.

4)Efficient and cheap vpn websites

5)Is the vpn service from metatrader any good... also question #3 here.. I think its kinda the no brainer choice but still...
don't waste time to think too much for current. see answer for #3.

by the way:
if you create ea base on tech.indicator(sma,macd,...) then you may lost money again.
tyvm Steve and Feng for your answers