Registration seller supporting document !!! Anger and desperation - page 2

yes exactly ... we are pro we want a PRO service

Personally, I respect what MQL5 are trying to do to streamline efficiencies and to protect customers.  It is a good thing that will lead to a much better experience for all after the learning curve has been scaled.  However, it isn't fair to banned etc sellers without explanation and a chance to for the seller to explain.  I have also had my seller registration revoked for a problem which has more to do with me not being a pro' coder because I am a trader.  My code is robust etc but it is very simple and lacks the sophistication of a professional coder.  Where as a pro' would build a neural network in the code, I have to do that work externally etc.  I won't bore you with all the details but suffice to say this has led to a misunderstanding which has led to the revocation of my seller registration.   But now: who do I contact to discuss this?  The service desk is only for financial matters and they refer me to the forum.  Well here I am but by the looks of things, the forum is a place were ex-sellers get stuck between limbo and purgatory.  

A very upsetting experience.

yes exactly ... we are pro we want a PRO service
Then you will be very disappointed. There is no PRO service provided by Metaquotes on this site.
METAQUOTES is a company, not a non-profit organization. Ok for the automation of the tasks, but I say no when we leave the customers without solution in weeks, months for some .... Pittoyable. We just ask to work on this extraordinary platform> Too bad that METAQUOTES does not take care of its customers. Yes yes, that's the reality, METAQUOTES is a company, and we are investors and customers.
Hello everyone. I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the registration of vouchers to be a seller. We have a lot of trouble right now. We are desperate.
Couldn't find your request to Seller. Can't help with answer, sorry

I did register as seller and was rejected, I replied the email I got and no response, I decided to message Service Desk and was told they only accept payment related issues and for technical issues I have to go to forum, that's why am here. Can I get help please

Please don't triple post.
A colleague of mine applied to become a seller. His initial submission was rejected and he updated his documents and re-submitted them. It is now 2 months since and the system still has the status as ‘waiting for approval”. Is there a bug in your automated new seller process causing submissions to ‘hang’?

His details are:
Name:  Jeff Hubbard.

Company: JTA

i guess most of us here are facing difficulties about this issue..its so hard to register as a seller.