Complete outage of ICM connection right now - page 4

Thorsten Rohweder:
The question is. Will aserious broker give indormation on his webpage or send information to customers. These "blackout" situations without any info from broker company let me think broker business is not serious.

So what will be your next conclusion ?

Maybe get the heck out ?

I mean if they don't give you a valid reason...
Thorsten Rohweder:

The question is. Will aserious broker give indormation on his webpage or send information to customers. These "blackout" situations without any info from broker company let me think broker business is not serious.

ICM answer on chat :This particular disruption originated from our bridge and hosting provider, One Zero. One Zero is the bridge and hosting provider of choice for many major forex brokers. Unfortunately this incident affected all brokers using their services, we have been assured by them that full measures have been taken to prevent any recurrence.

When did you get this answer?
When did you get this answer ?

I   chatted with ICM support at 10.41 a.m. today German time.

Thorsten Rohweder:

I   chatted with ICM support at 10.41 a.m. today German time.


I tried to call\chat with them yesterday at around 20.00 German time and nobody answered.


In my view,
we should see it by staying calm,
because whatever it is if it is still made by humans there will still be an incident.

No matter how small the percentage of possibilities, there will still be that potential.

Let's see on YouTube, how many commercial planes
are loaded with many passengers who have experienced more fatal accidents
with many reasons.

Today, I believe that regulated brokers have tried to provide maximum service,
and are very serious in serving clients, even compensating us for losses if there was a mistake from their system.

Keep spirit high :)
have a nice weekend.



I tried to call\chat with them yesterday at around 20.00 German time and nobody answered.

Login page got switched of at ICMarkets, URL was temporarily deleted, chat was overloaded minutes before. They got 'attacked' by own paniced customers I think. I paniced as well, I just changed password before when it got worse, I thought it was my own fault for an hour. Not good at all.

This is a good reason to think of hard and soft TP / SL at a far level. How to claim profit loss otherwise.