Complete outage of ICM connection right now - page 3

bud 01:
well 90 people in the live chat que,  so there are a few people reaching out to the brokers to find out wtf is going on.

Oh boy...:(

อารีรัตน์ คงแสนคํา:


bud 01:
well 90 people in the live chat que,  so there are a few people reaching out to the brokers to find out wtf is going on.
All fixed now! Back online.
pepperstone solved . i am very happy.

Latacy is up from 2.8ms to 11/12ms and ny3 is showing 20ms, 

looks like they have done enough to get it operational, I guess by market open Monday they will have it up properly back to 2.8ms.

(Note below is via forexvps which is in the same building)

Ha, offline again. I am stopping writing here now - seems that waiting is the only option. Thank you all for your contributions. Regards.
And i think my MT suddenly bugged
Anybody knows the reason why ICM was down?
Anybody knows the reason why ICM was down?

The question is. Will aserious broker give indormation on his webpage or send information to customers. These "blackout" situations without any info from broker company let me think broker business is not serious.

ICM answer on chat :This particular disruption originated from our bridge and hosting provider, One Zero. One Zero is the bridge and hosting provider of choice for many major forex brokers. Unfortunately this incident affected all brokers using their services, we have been assured by them that full measures have been taken to prevent any recurrence.