How to show on screen of total, sell, buy, Equity, Balance value?


Hi guys,

I would like to show value of total, sell, buy, Equity, Balance!

I tried to show AccountBalance using with AccountBalance(), but it shows default value of 10000, not my terminal showing value.

Is there another fuction to show them? like AccountBalance(), AccountEquity, something like that .

also is that right way to show how many orders open OrdersTotal()

I would like to show all each of them! 








      ObjectSetText("AccountBalance","Account Balance = "+AccountBalance(),15,"Arial",Red);

      ObjectSetText("AccountEquity","Account Equity   = "+AccountEquity(),15,"Arial",Red);


  1. When you post code please use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.) Please edit your (original) post.
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  2. You show us a snippit without context. Is the code in OnTick/OnCalculate, so it can update?

  3. OrdersTotal() is all orders, not just those on the current symbol.