how to catch when an order closes


Hello friends, I have a little question...

I need to know a event to catch when an order closes... Could anyone help me??


Check the closetime from the last order and compare it with time current
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Trade Operation Types
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Trade Operation Types
Trading is done by sending orders to open positions using the OrderSend() function, as well as to place, modify or delete pending orders. Each trade order refers to the type of the requested operation. Trading operations are described in the ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS enumeration...
When PositionsTotal() returns one less.
for handling positions you can use this : (fast write up)

void OnTrade()
    static int previous_open_positions = 0;
    int current_open_positions = PositionsTotal();
    if(current_open_positions != previous_open_positions)
        if(current_open_positions < previous_open_positions)    // A position just got closed
                previous_open_positions = current_open_positions;
                // some operations on last closed position. (or others in history.)
        else                                                    // A position just got opened
                previous_open_positions = current_open_positions;
                // some operations on last opened position. (or all open ones.)

OnTrade event triggers on modifies, and orders execution/cancelling too. so the codes filters the calls, to only watch for a change in position lists. tweak that if u want

void OnTradeTransaction (const MqlTradeTransaction &trans,
                         const MqlTradeRequest &request,
                         const MqlTradeResult &result)
//--- get transaction type as enumeration value 
//--- if transaction is result of addition of the transaction in history
       long     deal_ticket      = 0;
       long     deal_order       = 0;
       long     deal_time        = 0;
       long     deal_time_msc    = 0;
       long     deal_type        = -1;
       long     deal_entry       = -1;
       long     deal_magic       = 0;
       long     deal_reason      = -1;
       long     deal_position_id = 0;
       double   deal_volume      = 0.0;
       double   deal_price       = 0.0;
       double   deal_commission  = 0.0;
       double   deal_swap        = 0.0;
       double   deal_profit      = 0.0;
       string   deal_symbol      = "";
       string   deal_comment     = "";
       string   deal_external_id = "";
          deal_ticket            = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_TICKET);
          deal_order             = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_ORDER);
          deal_time              = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_TIME);
          deal_time_msc          = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_TIME_MSC);
          deal_type              = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_TYPE);
          deal_entry             = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_ENTRY);
          deal_magic             = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_MAGIC);
          deal_reason            = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_REASON);
          deal_position_id       = HistoryDealGetInteger(, DEAL_POSITION_ID);
          deal_volume            = HistoryDealGetDouble(, DEAL_VOLUME);
          deal_price             = HistoryDealGetDouble(, DEAL_PRICE);
          deal_commission        = HistoryDealGetDouble(, DEAL_COMMISSION);
          deal_swap              = HistoryDealGetDouble(, DEAL_SWAP);
          deal_profit            = HistoryDealGetDouble(, DEAL_PROFIT);
          deal_symbol            = HistoryDealGetString(, DEAL_SYMBOL);
          deal_comment           = HistoryDealGetString(, DEAL_COMMENT);
          deal_external_id       = HistoryDealGetString(, DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID);

       if((deal_type==DEAL_TYPE_BUY || deal_type==DEAL_TYPE_SELL) && deal_magic==InpMagic)


       if(deal_symbol==_Symbol && deal_magic==InpMagic)



