Roffild's Library

Please do not delete or move this topic.

Please do not delete or move this topic.

That's a hell of a work ,thanks for sharing.Can you give some info what does  multilayer perceptron and  random forest predict?


Please do not delete or move this topic.

I understand that it is your private library ... but we are the public forum so a little explanation from you may be good.


Please do not delete or move this topic.

It's not your decision if we have to delete or move it.

1° That's not a trading system so you are in the wrong section.

2° There is zero explanation as Sergey said, so you will have to provide it.


Examples/ToIndicator_Example.mq5 - an example of using a class CToIndicator


Roffild’s Library

Docs: MQL5 Java



mklink /j link where - does not require administrator rights.

It makes sense to move the %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes folder to the root of the partition or to a larger partition. Windows has a limit of 255 characters to the file path. The full path to the MQL5 folder I have is 88 characters. When testing, the terminal copies history by the number of local agents that increases the size of this folder by several gigabytes.

  1. Move the %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes to D:\MQLProjects
  2. mklink /j %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes D:\MQLProjects
  3. mklink /j D:\MQLProjects\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\MQL5\ D:\MQLProjects\MQL5


Run the create_links.bat from the MQL5\MyProjects\RoffildLibrary folder after cloning the project.

Code style

Google Java Style

Tab = 3 spaces

Column limit = 110


Apache License 2.0


Roffild’s Library

I am known to the MQL5 community by the name of Roffild and this is my open source library for MQL5. An attempt to implement the features on MQL5, which have long become the standard for popular programming languages. Each file has one idea. The library is replenished as needed for new capabilities.

Few people tried to put the project in Github. There is no single standard. MetaQuotes does not use version control systems when creating a project. For some reason, programmers from MetaQuotes believe that the project should be of the same type. For small projects that are published in CodeBase on the site, this division is justified. For medium and large projects, it is not possible to select one type of project.

I experimented with different structure of the project. To use Git, I had to take the files out of the standard folder structure that MetaQuotes adopted. Create a link to the staging folder (in this library, the folder “Roffild”) - the best option.

MetaEditor can save code in UTF-16, but encoding UTF-8 with BOM is also supported. To convert a file with the source code, you need to use a third-party editor (I recommend Notepad++).

This library can be divided into interests:

  • common tasks (ArrayList, Log4MQL, ToIndicator, etc.);
  • experiments with AlgLib in machine learning;
  • using Apache Spark with Amazon Web Services (EC2 and EMR), when the capabilities of AlgLib ceased to be enough.



Github topic for discussion in English тема для обсуждения на Русском



mklink /j link where - does not require administrator rights.

It makes sense to move the %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes folder to the root of the partition or to a larger partition. Windows has a limit of 255 characters to the file path. The full path to the MQL5 folder I have is 88 characters. When testing, the terminal copies history by the number of local agents that increases the size of this folder by several gigabytes.

  1. Move the %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes to D:\MQLProjects
  2. mklink /j %APPDATA%\MetaQuotes D:\MQLProjects
  3. mklink /j D:\MQLProjects\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\MQL5\ D:\MQLProjects\MQL5


Run the create_links.bat from the MQL5\MyProjects\RoffildLibrary folder after cloning the project.

Code style

Google Java Style

Tab = 3 spaces

Column limit = 110


Apache License 2.0

Really beautiful work, and I especially like that you've defined a style guide and stuck to it, something the MQL community (generally speaking) could learn from. 

The script for running Test Agents on Amazon servers now uses the Role and internal disks.

Who already tried to run Agents on Amazon?