Free Demo



If a free demo version works in the strategy, does it automatically means that it will work in a Live Account.

You mean: if the srategy works on demo so will it work on real account of same broker?
In most of the cases - yes (but it depends on the condition of the live account - means: same with demo or not).

Hey Hiram

Your ? is related to mine also on the Forum today. With the live accounts you compete against the market and your broker more actively. LIve accounts and demo accounts are different.  Pricing is similar if not the same, but obviously without the stress of losing real money. The trick is to treat demo's like live accounts and be as trealistic as possible. So a 50k demo account is perhaps not feasible. ive noticed with demo accounts  now that cancell all trades has gone, that as soon as you go to the cancell order pop up the price goes backwards. If I were you I would strategy test on a live account.

Techinically you should get same result depending on the type of strategy. Except if your broker has a lot of issues then the result may vary.