Error Code "0"? - page 4


Listen RaptorUK, I don't want to be a ball ache - Unless I am clearly not understanding the procedures on this forum on how people are supposed to "properly" communicate to one another using MQL4 lingo, then I apologize...

However, I am pretty sure my ask for help above is very clearly written, yet the response I get is ridiculous... and when I ask for someone to elaborate, I get told that I'm trolling :s?

It's just frustrating that people can be helpful, but almost unwillingly... It's like I AM RECEIVING help, yet only on the helpers terms... and if I don't understand what the "kind" person who is offering me assistance is saying, they tell me I am good for nothing and treat me like some moron... 

Just a little strange to me... 

LOL,  how else do you expect to get help other than on the Helper's terms ?  on your terms ?  you are the one asking for help . . .   you should be thankful when you get any help at all,  it is done in the Helper's time for free . . .  perhaps you should demonstrate how it should be done,  please post a link to any Forum where you have helped other Users.

There is no obligation on any User on this Forum to help you,  there are generally no MetaQuotes staff here,  so any help you get is from other Users. 

DomGilberto: I ask for someone to elaborate, I get told that I'm trolling :s?
  1. What part of "Add Print() statements dumping your variables before and inside your IFs and track it down," was unclear?
  2. Please do not feed the troll. When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.


I guess you're right -  Just becomes confusing when I'm sitting here trying to figure out what he's trying to explain.... 

I guess I got too defensive after being told I'm a troll...

  1. What part of "Add Print() statements dumping your variables before and inside your IFs and track it down," was unclear?
Yea I got that bit (sorry, I should have explained that part) but not the rest...