Draw Trend Line Disappear MT4


In Platform MT4 when I Draw Trend Line after draw it disappear , not stable what is the reason and how I fix this issue ?

Wagdy Abdelrahman:

In Platform MT4 when I Draw Trend Line after draw it disappear , not stable what is the reason and how I fix this issue ?

Check the indicators or experts that you have applied to the chart. It will not disappear on its own
Mladen Rakic:
Check the indicators or experts that you have applied to the chart. It will not disappear on its own

It is not Indicator it is MT4 tools as in Pic

Wagdy Abdelrahman:

It is not Indicator it is MT4 tools as in Pic

Wagdy Abdelrahman:

I told that you check what else you have attached to that same chart - the trend line is not disappearing on its own. Draw it on an empty chart and you shall see. Some of the things (like that trading panel or something else you have on that chart) is deleting the trend line
i had the same problem / it was trend line automatic indicator that cancel all my draw on the chart / i disable it and all good now
Wagdy Abdelrahman:

In Platform MT4 when I Draw Trend Line after draw it disappear , not stable what is the reason and how I fix this issue ?

try open new chart without indicators and/or EA then draw your trend line. If it is not disappear, then the problem is in the indicators or EA which perhaps contain a line that deleting the object(s).

In ordering the type of pending order lines stop loss  & take profit Not displayed. I see it in some charts but I do not see it in another chart .  What is the problem ?
ali.tavakoli1404 #: In ordering the type of pending order lines stop loss  & take profit Not displayed. I see it in some charts but I do not see it in another chart .  What is the problem ?

F7 → colors → Stop Level same as Background.

William Roeder #:

F7 → colors → Stop Level same as Background.

The chart should be the same as your account type. Micro or mini