Copyright Rules for Publishing a New Article

Good morning.

I have some ideas and I'ld like to publish some articles in this website.
But I have some questions about the policy. If one moderator or Administrator can answer me, I'ld be really happy.

1) How does the copyright working after you published? If I publish one article here, can I publish it somewhere else as well (like in other websites or in my own blog?)
2) How does the copyright working before you published? If I have articles in other websites, forums, and my blog; Can I publish them here as well? 
3) If I find other people articles, or I want to use some texts; Can I publish it here as well?

Does anyone of the previous cancels the payment for the article? 

Thank you!

MorganaGw: I have some ideas and I'ld like to publish some articles in this website.
But I have some questions about the policy. If one moderator or Administrator can answer me, I'ld be really happy.

1) How does the copyright working after you published? If I publish one article here, can I publish it somewhere else as well (like in other websites or in my own blog?)
2) How does the copyright working before you published? If I have articles in other websites, forums, and my blog; Can I publish them here as well? 
3) If I find other people articles, or I want to use some texts; Can I publish it here as well?

Does anyone of the previous cancels the payment for the article?

Obviously, if you are the original author, then you are the Copyright holder, irrespective of publishing it here or anywhere else.

However, you cannot publish someone else's work/article because you don't hold any rights to it. You can only quote them in shorts excerpts as long as full credit is given with bibliographic reference, but you cannot copy entire sections onto your article - that would be plagiarism and be violating their Copyrights!

Please also read the following thread: Become an Author at!

Become an Author at!
Become an Author at!
  • 2010.01.21
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