A-B-C-D Trade - page 252


We have the same PSQ9 1-hour chart, and focus on the up and down moves before and after week separated by Oct 30th.

The left of the yellow vertical line shows an uptrend Weds-Thurs of that week. Plot was Mars 270 to Mars 0-degree (same 360-degree). Price labels are entry just above break of Mars 0-degree, and S/L just below -31.4 level.

Ascending labels are R/R ratios at expansion levels 31.4, 61.8, 100, 131.4. Top was 261.8.

On the right of vertical line, is new week of Oct 30th. Once price came down on Oct 31st 02:00 (Monday Asian) to the Mars 90, we can plot Mars 180 pulling down to Mars 90.

If entry was not made at breakout of Mars 90 (to downside), another opportunity presented itself when price bounce up off the 61.8 expansion, reaching the Mars 90 (now resistance). Diagonal Moon 315 intersected this spot. This is marked by yellow "X".

Price stayed below Ehlers' Fisher Transform (EFT) zero line, denoting down trend. A 100% retrace from the previous week's up-move occurred on Nov 1st 01:00. This level is also the FC 200 and Mars 270-degree. An "X" marks this spot.

Price eventually made further gains after stall at the FC 100. That can be measured by:

Horizontal fib plot using Oct 26th Low and Oct 27th High. Bottom was 138.2 extension, with probe to Moon 315.

Enlarging fib channel plot from Mars 180 to Mars 0-degree (1 level down). Bottom is the FC 131.4.

The ratios are all related. Take the 2 Mars lines above that bottom. Plot fib channel from Mars 270 down 1 level to Mars 180-degree. The bottom is the FC 61.8.


Price gapped up at open to hit 4-hour red 1/1_angle of GannBox plot.

The gap was closed early Asian.

We now have breakout of Asian Low 1.3741 3 to downside, and touched Mars 180 1.37136.

Upper right is PSQ9 with plot of last week's Moon 0 to Moon 315. The 131.4 is ahead.


When we remember and have time, we push the button on a practice account. Here is a statement from Oct 5th to last trade just mentioned.

Obviously, we are just an unknown entity on the internet, so you can take this any way you want.

Total of 15 trades shows 14 wins. The 1 loss was actually a mistake as order made in wrong direction. That was promptly canceled and a small loss entered on record.

Techniques used are all in this thread. The profit factor of 59 will undoubtedly come down substantially as time goes by and losses booked.

The average amount of lots traded on this $100,000 account was 4 and 5 lots. The leverage is therefore very low. The total return is 11.3%.

This was a very conservative sample. It demonstrates that even if we deduct more slippage, the results are still very good. There were no pyramid or martingale techniques employed.

Last example exited just above FC 131.4 and printed 1.37071. That was a conservative exit and is an example of the demo trades in the sample statement.

Our message is that you can learn to read the market.

Statement.png  28 kb

10:00 EU Industrial Production missed estimates, propelling pair further down to FC 261.8/Moon 180 and GannBox horizontal 54. Approaching U.S. open.


Chart 1 is EUR/USD with the same PSQ9 Moon levels at 45-degree intervals. This fib channel plot aligns to last week's Moon 0 and Moon 270-degree.

Today's 06:00 and 07:00 candle period lows were hits to the FC 131.4% level.

The pair is also respecting this week's Moon levels.

As usual, pay attention to time, as volatility with this pair starts at 06:00, with European open 07:00. Price can often change direction or pivot hard. Data often released during this period as well, and into early European session.


Chart 2 is continuance of the GannBox_144 plot. We labeled the red 1/1_angle line to illustrate the 2 hits Nov 1st and 3rd. There is a trendline technique that trades the bounce on the 3rd hit (Nov 7th).

As we narrated, price broke to the downside Nov 9th. S&R clearly at horizontal blue 36, back up to red 1/1_angle, and back down the yellow 1/3rd (HLine1).

As we mentioned, many users monitor the larger time-frames, and trigger off the small one(s). This is a basic fundamental aspect (option/style) of trading.


Breakout of Asian Low made it to the FC 100, and beyond. In view of upcoming 09:30 U.K. data and more at 10:00, conservative and prudent exit.


Forgot to post the lower left before last split-screen. 2 4-hour SDC plots.

1) Low-to-low Oct 20th 12:00 and Nov 1st 12:00. Aligned fib channel to SDC's upper and lower channel. This produced FC 100 expansion that caught Nov 10th 04:00 pivot low. Currently, the FC 100 providing support again.

2) Low-to-low Nov 1st 12:00 and Nov 10th 04:00. Subsequent hit to the upper channel upon this week's open.


Correction: The split-chart with 15-min session color has ABC plot with FE 100 as exit. We inadvertently used the term FC 100.


This is the split-screen with the same 3 charts just after the European session closed..

Upper left is the 15-min session colors with ABC. We can see price made it to the FE 161.8 after data.

Lower left is the 4-hour with 2 SDC plots posted earlier. The current 16:00 candle has just dipped to the smaller SDC's lower channel.

Right is the 1-hour PSQ9 with the same FC plot, showing price just touching the FC 200.


Attached is 1-hour SPX500, which tends to mimic the S&P 500 Futures. Fib channel plot from Moon 0-degree to Moon 270.

The 11:00 candle period made a hit to the FC 31.4 about $1237, and bounced up near today's high of 1257.

The 31.4 pivot low matched the diagonal support of Nov 10th 07:00.

The trade opportunities include

the breakout of the Moon 270 to the downside, and

the bounce off the 31.4.

the experienced trader can trade the -31.4 entry
