Who Can Help Me


Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.


I'm so sorry to hear that.

Unfortunately forex is not something that you can make money off overnight. No matter how good a system is, you'll always be dealing with uncertainty. It's always possible that your could lose more than this. Especially now you're under tremendous pressure, will you be able to concentrate on following the trading rules?

You can make money doing works. That's probably the only way to go to solving financial problems.

I'm recommending forex to those who have extra free money in hands and those who are looking to expanding their portfolio diversity.

Please please please do not put the money you cannot afford to lose in forex.

Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.

This will be verry hard, most people who are in debt think different and will be affected by greed.

Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.

You can not trade on the market, if the money is not yours. The market must trade with money who are not afraid to lose, then it will be a success. It depends in psychology. If you are afraid of losing money you are trading constrained. If you're afraid, you always win.

Mikhail Kurakin:
You can not trade on the market, if the money is not yours. The market must trade with money who are not afraid to lose, then it will be a success. It depends in psychology. If you are afraid of losing money you are trading constrained. If you're afraid, you always win.

If I can remember it correctly there is also a line in the broker agreement that you may not trade with borrowed money.

Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.

Hi Feshade

Hope you're fine...

I can recommend you to review Strignanos Forex Signlas and Mentoring...look at here

Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.

I want to help sincerely but not for free!

But first read carefully the advice of

I'm so sorry to hear that.Especially now you're under tremendous pressure, will you be able to concentrate on following the trading rules?You can make money doing works. That's probably the only way to go to solving financial problems.

If you are ready to start with passive small income again

1. Visit Marketchaos.co.za cash gift bonuses

2. Sign up for Zulu Trade Referral Programme - market this and

we market for you. There is money here people cannot see it.

3. Just follow me @

4. Take my steady progress of 22% ROI on Equity per month via another

zulutrade check (for my signal name fxchaos) this is for small accounts and it should get you running in couple of months from here only 1 % of your equity is risked per trade.


5. Take my training course. Learn to supply signal service to the industry. People will tell you that you do not need training. You need my training if you want to get up and ago again.

During the great gold rush in South Africa, many people rushed there with all sorts of instruments - diggers, spade, ete many dug and dug. About 99% of them did not find gold, and got broke.

Do you know those who made money from the gold rush? They were those people who did not dig or rush for gold. These were the people selling diggers, spades, and helping them to fix broken digging instrutments, etc.

Believe me you won't get a magic fix or indicators that brings in money in FX. Not after the crash, most indicators or old trading strategies are suffering from whipsaws.......but my single advise is diversified into other areas of FX, offer signal services, training, etc. You don't have to make money alone from trading the markets.

Just move from forum to forum, most people are simply selling signals

to others, if not most are just bashing each other on whose signals or

call is better. Why is it like that?

Think of services to render to the FX market that is where the killer is.

If you are ready to be a signal provider over night let me know.


Dear Feshade,

I hope you are ok.

Please don't trade at Forex while you have any debts!

First repay all your debts. You should earn money for this at your permanent work, where a salary guaranteed.

And then trade only for your own many! Use amount which you can afford to lose without any problems.

Have lost so much in my trading, please kindly help me with true indicators and forex signal for me to be a winner and also a gainner. Now am in debt please help me so that I can pay my debt.

What indicators do you use?