MT4 Support - page 3



Especially when you consider the alternative (MT5) regardless of how well it has been written, is immature, has performance deficiencies and is not friendly to use.

...when MT5 issues have been resolved

I am curious to know what you mean, could you give some details about "immature, deficiencies, not friendly..." ?

Alain Verleyen:

I am curious to know what you mean, could you give some details about "immature, deficiencies, not friendly..." ?

Specifically, one issue we see with MT5 are failure to close trades.  This is something we see often on MT5 platforms which never occurs with same EA on MT4 platforms.    This error may not be the direct fault of MT5 platform but it appears to be a common issue.   I have to supervise trades every EA makes on MT5 platform to ensure the trade closes while in profit.

Also regarding not friendly;  ever tried to filter trade history results, either with PC or iPhone platforms??  It's a terrible experience..


There's really little incentive for traders (the important end customer) to switch their platforms when the current version satisfies their expectations.  Manual traders most likely use alternative online charting software except for those who use MQL specific indicators.  While developers are receiving only a few requests to convert their EA's and indicators, what incentive is there to switch to MT5?? 

IMO the biggest mistake MQL ever made was not making MT5 backwards compatible with MT4 products.  And that my friend is the reason why MT5 never caught on..


There is some truth in Indy1000's statements.

MT5 should have backwards compatibility with MT4 (some people have invested thousands in MT4 products and services) and its trading history should be at least as detailed as MT4's was.

Metaquotes should stop trying to eliminate the use of MT4, like its a competitor's product!


I totally agree with Indy, stupid MT5 fails to close my trades at profit as well. And it's definitely MT5's fault, not my code's, because I'm not using experts.

Removing of SL and TP from history probably has to do with "netting mode" (real market environment actually) (because SL and TP are not the only pending orders to close a position).


I totally agree with Indy, stupid MT5 fails to close my trades at profit as well. And it's definitely MT5's fault, not my code's, because I'm not using experts.


Could you give some clues about that issue ? Do you mean a TP doesn't trigger ? or if you manually close (how?).


Specifically, one issue we see with MT5 are failure to close trades.  This is something we see often on MT5 platforms which never occurs with same EA on MT4 platforms.    This error may not be the direct fault of MT5 platform but it appears to be a common issue.   I have to supervise trades every EA makes on MT5 platform to ensure the trade closes while in profit.


Same questions as above (some clues) ? using a TP ?

Alain Verleyen:

Could you give some clues about that issue ? Do you mean a TP doesn't trigger ? or if you manually close (how?).

I'm joking, all is good. Just couldn't figure out a response different than sarcasm to Indy's claims.

I'm more happy with MT5, most people I've seen trying to write something a bit more advanced also prefer it over MT4.

I do trade manually though, and most of code that I use is just scripts to scale and rearrange charts. In fact I'm just trying to write a script to undock charts.

#import "user32.dll"
   int GetParent(long hWnd);
   int SetParent(long hWndChild, long hWndNewParent);
   bool SetWindowPos(long hWnd, long hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint uFlags);
   long CreateWindow(uint lpClassName,uint lpWindowName,ulong dwStyle,int x,int y,int nWidth,int nHeight,int hWndParent,int hMenu,int hInstance,long lpParam);
   void keybd_event(int bVk, int bScan, int dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo);

void OnStart()

   long ThisChartID = ChartID();
   long FirstChartID = ChartFirst();
   long NewWindowHandle, ThisChartHandle, ThisChartParentHandle, ThisChartGrandParentHandle, ThisChartGrandGrandParentHandle;


   //NewWindowHandle=CreateWindow(NULL,NULL,0,10,20,500,500,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); this doesn't work no matter the values
   //SetParent(ThisChartHandle,NewWindowHandle); this obviously doesn't work too   
   //SetParent(ThisChartHandle,NULL); this undocks only the chart, no buttons, no frame
   //SetParent(ThisChartParentHandle,NULL); this undocks the chart with buttons but crashes MT5

I need to figure  out WindowsCreate() or some other way to put frame and buttons to the undocked chart.

I know it's wildly offtopic, sorry.

MT5’ issue occasionally not closing automated positions when expected are documented and logged with MQL support.
Support has suggested a broker issue but nobody is taking responsibility to fix it and heal MT5’s reputation ..
MT5’ issue occasionally not closing automated positions when expected are documented and logged with MQL support.
Support has suggested a broker issue but nobody is taking responsibility to fix it and heal MT5’s reputation ..
That's why I am asking you details. Well, if you don't want to answer, that's ok.  Anyway that's not a common issue at all.