Ciao vorrei sapere se parli italiano e se puoi consigliarmi. Ho un pc portatile acquistato 2 anni fa con win.10 - ho una mt4 swissquote con vari indicatori e vari template salvati. Quando apro l'applicazione va tutto lentissimo, il pc si rallenta. Prima che io inserissi i vari indicatori e prima che io salvassi i vari template , ovviamente era tutto più snello e veloce. Vorrei  eliminare i popup di allarme ma non riesco, come posso fare?

Quale pc WINDOWS mi consiglate, con quale hardwere e con quale sistema operativo? Con quale scheda grafica?

Quale broker da la mt4 più veloce anche aggiungendo molti indicatori e template?

Esiste una mt4 anche per le opzioni binarie?

Esite una mt4 per i bitcoin?

se scelgo un pc windows che hardwew dovrebbe avere per non avere problemi di lentezza con mt4?

oppure è meglio un mac?


Hello I want to know if you speak Italian and if you can advise me. I bought a laptop two years ago with win.10 - I have a mt4 Swissquote with various indicators and various saved template. When I open the application everything is slow, the PC slows down. Before I inserissi various indicators and before I salvassi different template, of course it was all more refined and efficient. I would like to eliminate the alarm pop-up but I can not, how can I do?

Which PC WINDOWS consiglate me how hardwere and what OS? Which graphics card?

Which broker from the mt4 faster also adding many indicators and templates?

There is also a mt4 for binary options?

Esite a mt4 for bitcoin?

if you choose a Windows PC that hardwew should have to have no problems of slow with mt4?

or is it better a mac?


  1. I have a mt4 Swissquote with various indicators and various saved template.
  2. When I open the application everything is slow, the PC slows down. Before I inserissi various indicators and before I salvassi different template, of course it was all more refined and efficient.
  3. I would like to eliminate the alarm pop-up but I can not, how can I do?
  4. Which PC WINDOWS consiglate me how hardwere and what OS? Which graphics card?
  5. Which broker from the mt4 faster also adding many indicators and templates?
  6. There is also a mt4 for binary options?
  7. Esite a mt4 for bitcoin?
  8. if you choose a Windows PC that hardwew should have to have no problems of slow with mt4?
  9. or is it better a mac?

I don't speak Italian... but add to

  1. The broker (Swissquote) provides only quotes and a installation package - look what is running (indicators and EAs) and remove them, see what happens
  2. Look at Windows Task Manager how much RAM is used and the CPU load
  3. Either remove the indicator or the ea that causes the alarm - or deactivate it or change the code - if you can access it.
  4. Look at the Task Manager, normally a Win 10 pc should be sufficient, but it depends ...
  5. Broker don't provide indicators and EA - if so it is only an add on. The terminal is always created by Metaquotes!
  6. Look for a broker that provides bitcoins
  7. mt4 offers all symbols the broker provides - that all on their side
  8. Yes if an indicator or ea is rottenly programmed e.g. lots of (re-) painted graphic objects ...
  9. I (no experience with mac) think it doesn't matter.

Good luck...