Forex trading as a career?


Are there anyone of you here who have thought of quitting your job

just to be free to trade forex or do other online trading?

I am considering of doing this but I would like to know from you first

and your advice.


I am new to forex. Just trying to learn it from head to toe. As my opinion if you going to take it seriously. Then you need learn well first. LOL!


How can anybody do anything without learning to do that first?

How can anybody do anything without learning to do that first?

In the Forex trading business what is more important for us is that we should be able to know about the markets and its trends as that alone is going to help us and become a successful trader


I want to trade and make it my career but I will keep it as part time job because trading full time will make a person lazy as he won't have any thing else to do and by looking at charts too much a trader starts doing over trading.

I want to trade and make it my career but I will keep it as part time job because trading full time will make a person lazy as he won't have any thing else to do and by looking at charts too much a trader starts doing over trading.

That is a good idea : additional income is always a better choice


That must be well-weighted step. You can get used to a work for some time, but market often faces certain difficulties and constantly changing. I think that only hyper-skilled experienced traders could do that, after they have already saved some money as "financial airbag" so to say.

It have never crossed my mind to quit my job and start trading in order to build up a career in this field, because I take the view that there are so many more things I have to learn before starting a practice as a professional trader. I believe that a lot of knowledge is required in order to develop a career as a trader as this is an important decision to take.
I do agree with bonifaas_abe   I never has such thought in my mind. I don’t think I could rely and survive only from the profits from my trading. Sometimes there are losses too, how will cover them if I do not work and get salary.

Are there anyone of you here who have thought of quitting your job

just to be free to trade forex or do other online trading?

I am considering of doing this but I would like to know from you first

and your advice.


I think this is decision you need to take by yourself based on your own knowledge, experience and trading results. Once you feel ready - just go ahead. I do not believe, if you feel you can do it, someone to stop you by writing just two sentences. :) 

I am only treat forex as part time  business and as one way to get additional income, one advantage forex is market open 24 hour 5 day and giving flexible time, we can trade anytime as long as having spare time althugh we have main job but we can spent time for forex after go home