Can you stick to a trading plan exactly? - page 2


Sticking to a trading plan is not always easy because your emotion can easily affect your decision and sometimes sudden changes that is not planned for can occur. That is why it takes discipline to be in total control.


In my trading career, from all trading stBrategy, I like most scalping due to having more profitable. Generally, it trading plan is not used in any regulated trading broker.


No I can not and I do not intend. I adjust as market changes


It's important to follow trading plan, but not just following, we should also consider the whole market trend, such as sometimes there are sudden events, we need to make some urgent decision.

If you have found a good trading plan that suits you, it’s good to stick to it. Of course there are moments  when you can’t predict what might occur, therefore when something unexpected happens I act on impulse and do something which is not part of the plan.

I actually can, but I don’t think that sticking to it exactly is always advisable. Sometimes you need to be adaptable.

Strictly follow a trading plan may not be that profitable. The market is dynamic and you need to review and respectively correct your strategy if needed. I do believe that the traders has to stick exactly to their limits and never invest all savings into live trading account.

Greetings :)

My opinion is the trading plan will help you and will prevent you to enter on the market early or late, but when market change its behavior, the plan needs to be adjusted as per new conditions.