MT4 600+, synthetic ticks


Up to MT4 version 600, you could externally trigger the start function of an EA by sending "MetaTrader4_Internal_Message" to the chart function. This feature seems not to work anymore in version 600+.

600+ has now a timer event, but it runs only once per second and I'd need to trigger the start function more often. Does anyone know of a replacement for the good old "MetaTrader4_Internal_Message" in version 600?

Up to MT4 version 600, you could externally trigger the start function of an EA by sending "MetaTrader4_Internal_Message" to the chart function. This feature seems not to work anymore in version 600+. 600+ has now a timer event, but it runs only once per second and I'd need to trigger the start function more often. Does anyone know of a replacement for the good old "MetaTrader4_Internal_Message" in version 600?

Use RegisterWindowMessageW() and PostMessageW() instead of RegisterWindowMessageA() and PostMessageA() and it will work as before (parameters haven't changed - they are the same for both versions)


Thanks a lot! I'll try that.