FX Laser Scalper System - page 10


Some people are still asking me about the offset figure that you type in the indicator.

Guys, please do read the PDF, it's all explained in there. I've even included a table in the manual which makes it really easy.


Anyone else catched this signal ?

usd.png  20 kb
Anyone else catched this signal ?

Oh yes, many people caught that signal, as is being discussed over at the main forum.

Oh yes, many people caught that signal, as is being discussed over at the main forum.

tell me where is the main forum

tell me where is the main forum

I'm not sure if I can give a link to my forum here so I've PM'd you.


Hi everyone, so we had 2 buys yesterday in quick succession. We saw how the USD/JPY hit the 102.245 area multiple times within a space of a few minutes.

For an M1 chart, this can be a relatively strong resistance, so it would be wise to take profits when you see such patterns occurring.


What's wrong? The Fx Laser v3.9 doesn't shows in custom indicators build 600.

What is the trick to get it there?

Thanks Hermes