Forex trading is biggest gift of internet - page 2

Forex online trading was not invented to be a gift to people but to take money from them...

Instead of a gift Forex can be seen as a nice chance to let traders earn money. It depends on the trader if he uses this chance and succeeds or can't use it and looses his money.


In forex the only ones that are making money on a constant basis are banks and brokers. If they are making money all the time, who is losing? It is a simple case of selling a product for a profit, not a gift


Well, stock trading is not something that was brought to us by the Intrenet. And as for forex trading, we have to consider that the important step to making it possible was the destruction of Briton-Woods system. But yes, it is undeniable, that Internet gave a chance to the average person come to the forex market and benefit from it.


Nobody is giving gifts of any kind to anybody on the internet. Quite the oposite


Yeah. I just said that...

This is good for themselves who are earning and this is bad for then who are really losing! A lot of people are ruined away! By the way, I lose $30 today!!

This is really two side effects. One is earning because a good analysis and another is losing because a bad analysis and choice!!


I don't think that this is the biggest gift. But forex is another money making method due to internet


Business forex trading does not necessarily require degree but the education forex trading could possibly get from the knowledge of any trader gets a person's experience from the forex education he got.So i think really forex is the biggest gift of internet


It is biggest because I think, this is the easy way to be rich, and this is the easy way to lose everything!!

From here a lot of people is earning day by day and an amount of people are losing! Comparing those, more than 95% are lost their capital! It is because of emotions and no planing beyond the forex!!

Wish you have a good trading. Thanks


Yes it is true that internet is a large gift for forex traders and we can trade Forex online with the help of internet and can earn lot of money.

Internet technology have rewarded us with many gifts like online social sites, online banking, blogs etc. but forex trading is biggest gift internet have rewarded us with in my view. Because many people takes it as a job

for them .

You can say that again. Forex is the number business available online. You dont need millions to join and you can do it from any part of the world. I was sick when I had to look through some online business and discover that it is only available for some countries. At least even thought the FCA or ASIC would not accept some of us, we can still trade with offshore brokers who offer even better trading conditions. It is all good.