Info & Bug in MT4 Program - page 4


So there is hope that we see a new build soon Lets wait and see what exactly will they do on a new build


The list of changes is not that big (big pictures though )


It seems that they gave up the build 491 (nothing new) and now are looking for "beta testers of the new build 495"

Among other things so far the automatic update does not even ask you if it can stop what you are doing and do the update but plain restarts the terminal when upgrade is downloaded regardless of what you are doing at that moment (imagine some situations and what can happen because of that). The list is longer but who needs the list of metatrader bugs in beta when we have bugs in regular versions too

It seems that they gave up the build 491 (nothing new) and now are looking for "beta testers of the new build 495" Among other things so far the automatic update does not even ask you if it can stop what you are doing and do the update but plain restarts the terminal when upgrade is downloaded regardless of what you are doing at that moment (imagine some situations and what can happen because of that). The list is longer but who needs the list of metatrader bugs in beta when we have bugs in regular versions too

Again they are just showing that they don't care about us (users) at all


Latest build they are testing is build 500

So far quite a few issues reported with build 500 so we are to expect (hope) that it is not going to be the build that is going to be released